Friday, July 16, 2021


Last Saturday night we talked about our song.  God sings over us (Zephaniah 3:17). We sing back to Him (Psalms 95 and all over the Bible). We sing to and over other people (Ephesians 5:19). Our song is powerful. It breaks things away that should be broken away. The song has creative power. There's life in it, redemption, testimony and so on.  We see it throughout the Bible, like when Miriam broke out into song when the enemy was swallowed up by the Red Sea. Paul and Silas were singing in a rotten dungeon they were locked away in and suddenly all cells broke free.  The power of the song is everywhere.  

C. S. Lewis used this truth in the very creation of the magical land, Narnia.  In his book, the Magician's Nephew, the lion, Aslan, ends up in a dark void where he begins to sing.  The song reached out into the nothingness, bringing light and forming the landscape. That's how Narnia was born. 

I wanted to share a testimony of my own about the power of the song.  We once lived right across the street from a house that hosted some pretty un-tame parties.  Even beyond the parties there was so much unrest coming from the household. It was not a pleasant situation for the rest of us neighbors. 

My keyboard was in our front room where I could see the neighbors house. Eventually I started singing songs of peace and salvation over that house.  I did this pretty often.  Sometimes I felt really bold about it and other times I wondered if it was just silly and meaningless. 

One morning I was singing a devotional set at our local house of prayer, East Bay Prayer Furnace.  At one point, two young adult ladies came in, knelt on the floor and entered into some deep worship to Jesus.  One of these girls looked so familiar to me but I couldn't quite place where I had seen her before. 

Later that afternoon I was in my front yard at home.  A young lady from the house across the street came over to talk to me saying, "That was so powerful this morning. Thank you for leading us in worship like that."  My reaction: "THAT WAS YOU!!!!!"  She shared with me how she had recently found Jesus and that she was now praying for the rest her household.  Eventually I became friends with the whole family over there. 

There's nothing in me that doubts that the songs I was singing over my neighbors were powerful prayers that helped lead to peace across the street. 

It doesn't matter if you're a great singer or you're out of tune.  There is power in your song.  Let your heart and mind realize that the maker of the Universe sings over you. Let that song resonate in you and spring back up out of you like a fountain of life!

Psalms 87:7
Those who sing and those who dance will say together,
“All my fountains of joy are in You.”

Love, Todd

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