Saturday, January 9, 2021

Take Heart

Wherever your opinions may be situated on the political spectrum, Wednesday’s events in our nation’s capital in Washington D.C. were disturbing. If we were thinking that turning the page on our calendars to 2021 would suddenly change the intensity of the world’s events, then we’ve already experienced a great disappointment this year and it’s only a week old. No, unsettling world events are still happening around us. What has changed, especially through the journey of this past year, is our hearts. What has changed is how God, in His grace, has been giving us a greater ability to see and perceive more of what He sees and perceives.
There’s no denying that troubling events have happened this past week and this past year, but please listen with new ears to the words of Jesus, who is our Master and Good Teacher:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

(John 16:33, NIV)

Jesus doesn’t deny that trouble exists in the world and doesn’t ask us to pretend so either. Yet, the focus is entirely upon the hope that arises in us because he has already overcome the world! Our hope and peace are anchored and rooted in Christ alone! Jesus is our only place of rest. If you look to world events or circumstances around you to be in perfect stillness and harmony, you haven’t yet understood where rest comes from. It begins and ends with a deep awareness of Christ in you.
In 2020, God was very intentional with us in bringing our hearts back to him. There was a good and loving reason God was pushing a reset button in us. There was a good and loving reason we were forced to abandon life the way we were used to so that we could be taught how to trust God in a new way and how to rest in the assurance of His goodness in our lives. I have watched so many of you mature deeply this past year in your connection with the Lord, and I want to show you from Ephesians 4:14-15 what that maturing process was for:
As our immaturity comes to an end, we will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church.
Friends, we will not be easily shaken by trouble! Why? Because the Lord Himself has been teaching us the ways of love and truth and because our lives are flowing from His life in us. None of us knows what the coming days will hold, let alone the coming years. What we do know is that our very good Father has positioned us to represent Jesus in a clearer fashion than ever before to a world full of people who need the rest only He can provide. Remember that we cannot lead people to a place unless we’ve been there ourselves. So, God took an entire year to lead us into a deeper rest and trust in Him and to prepare our hearts for a significant change that’s coming to the earth—dare I even say—a love revolution. The goal isn’t to figure out exactly what that’s going to look like, but for each one of us to choose the ways of love as Jesus has been leading us to do.
Listen to the heartbeat of Jesus:
Keep your eyes on me!  Steady…steady….I’m right here. Fear isn’t from me. Receive my peace as I breath upon you. Rest in me. Take heart! I have overcome the world.
 With Love,

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