Friday, October 18, 2019

The Mystery of God's Realm In Us by Pastor Russ Fochler

“So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom realm with all its promises!”
Luke 12:33 The Passion Translation

“The privilege of intimately knowing the mystery of God’s kingdom realm has been granted to you, but not to the others, where everything is revealed in parables."
Mark 4:11 The Passion Translation
These passages stir my heart.

We'll be happily exploring the extravagant gift of participating in our Father's Kingdom the rest of our current life and beyond.

It all begins and is fulfilled in our intimate friendship with Jesus.  Those who just want to leverage a connection with Jesus for personal power/wealth/fame will miss the "intimate knowing of the mystery of God's kingdom realm".

The ways of God's realm are a mystery to those who live only by basic impulses of greed and self-protection (what the Apostle Paul called "the flesh" or "sarx").  But, when we live in communion with the Holy Spirit, God's realm is welcomed and accessible.

At the beginning of 2019, the elders of Blazing Fire felt drawn by God to focus upon Holy Spirit and the Book of Acts this year.  Last Saturday, I spoke from Acts 10.  It's the story of Cornelius, a Roman Centurion whose worship, prayers and gifts to the poor had come up like pleasing, aromatic incense before God.  Our Father's loving response was to send Peter and give Cornelius with his family and friends the good news about Jesus along with the experiential gift of the Holy Spirit.
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of rules about food and drink, but is in the realm of the Holy Spirit, filled with righteousness, peace, and joy."
Romans 14:17 The Passion Translation
For many years, I was taught and believed this "righteousness" is simply my legal status because of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross for me.  Important sure, but how does this "righteousness" fully bring God's realm in me and through me?

The Greek term translated "righteousness" commonly meant, "integrity, virtue, purity of life, uprightness, correctness in thinking, feeling, and acting".  Furthermore, The Passion Translation notes: "Righteousness means, both in the context and in the Hebraic mind-set, kindness in our relationships. Paul is speaking of putting others first and expressing goodness in having right relationships with others as well as right living."

And when Paul wrote about "peace", he was thinking of the Hebrew word "shalom" which meant wholeness, completeness, soundness, health, safety and prosperity, carrying with it the implication of permanence.

Joy comes when we experience someone happy to be with us and we are happy to be with them.  In God's presence is fullness of joy!  (Psalm 16).

Holy Spirit, we're grateful all of these (righteousness, shalom, and joy) are experienced in you and we want more!
"So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.
Matthew 6:33 The Passion Translation
Seeking God's Kingdom first and His righteousness are inconceivable without Holy Spirit.  Even if we could "do and say the right things" on our own (hah!), we would be missing the wholeness, shalom, and joy Holy Spirit has.

"Holy Spirit we greatly desire to be filled, saturated, led, and empowered by You.  By You we enjoy intimate friendship with Jesus.  By You we experience God as our loving father."

With Joy and Hope,

Pastor Russ

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