Friday, September 27, 2019

Feeling Discouraged? A Fresh Start Is Upon Us - by Pastor Brent Lokker

Are you feeling discouraged lately? Sluggish? Aimless?

In just two days you’ll be ushered into a fresh new start! Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at sundown this Sunday, Sept 29. This will commence the Ten Days of Awe, which culminates in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, from sundown Oct. 8 through sundown Oct. 9. These past several years, I've intentionally used these ten days to fast from things that may have dulled my spiritual alertness as I’ve leaned in closer to hear the heartbeat and voice of God more clearly through increased times of worship, taking communion daily, and praying through prophetic words that I’ve received. The fruit of this focused attention on the life of Christ in me has been increased revelation and clearer direction.

For us who live in the New Covenant of the grace of Jesus, keeping the Jewish feasts brings us no closer to God than we already are—we are already one with Christ!  Yet our heavenly Father is the one who ordained these feasts and Jesus most certainly took part in them when he lived as a Jewish man on the earth. God gave the feasts to point our spiritual fathers and mothers to Christ and those same feasts, though not required for followers of Jesus to celebrate, can be used to keep our focus on Christ, who alone sustains us.

With that said, this new year we are entering into, 5780, is highly significant. There’s also an interesting correlation between the prophetic symbolism of the Jewish New Year 5780 and the Gregorian calendar year 2020. 20/20 in our society symbolizes "perfect vision."

In the most prophetic sort of way, between the year 5780 is sandwiched the number 78.These two numbers come together in this way just twice every 1,000 years. This relates to the Hebrew letter Ayin, which carries the numerical value of 70, while the letter Pey carries the numerical value of 80.  Ayin (meaning eye) and Pey (meaning mouth, word or breath) give us a glimpse of the future as we leap into a new era of "Voice and Vision" (5780/2020). God is going to cause us to see what He sees more clearly than ever, and speak His truth into people and situations that will cause monumental shifts! This includes seeing your own life with His clarity, speaking His truth into your own situations, and watching them shift, often rapidly.

We are called to be salt and light upon the earth. As a result, a shift is taking place where the purification process we’ve allowed the Lord to bring us through has graced our speech with a greater wisdom and a purer prophetic flow of truth. There's a new sound arising for setting the captives free. God has been preparing His people for this crossover into 5780 for a long time!

Can I encourage you to be intentional in your positioning to listen and receive what the Lord wants to show you, release to you and align in your life as we move into 5780, with your surrender, obedience and deep love. Greater encounters with Jesus and knowing Him and His ways await you. Greater realms of wisdom and revelation await you. (Jeremiah 33:3) But it requires your response.

Allow the hand of the Lord to do what He needs to do because He is preparing you for demonstrations of the greatest alignment and increase that you have ever seen before.

With Much Love,

Pastor Brent

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