The busy lives we lead. The negative surroundings we live in. The disappointments, the distractions…all these things contribute to a gradual forgetting to get quiet and listen to that “still, small voice”, just waiting to help us out. The good news is that no matter how far we’ve slipped into detrimental comfort zones that eat away at real peace, the place of meeting with our Father isn’t going anywhere. We can step right back into the zone where we become centered again, focused and confident because of a steadfast love that has all the answers and doesn’t leave.
Saturday night, Pastor Brent gave us a quick overview of how to implement what we call “listening prayer” into our lives. This phrase, “Listening Prayer”, may be foreign to some of you reading this, so here’s a simple explanation: God is talking. We can hear. He has always desired relationship, which is why we exist in the first place. We often think He’s not talking, but much of the time this misconception simply comes from our own overcrowded way of living. So much traffic is moving through our minds that we just need to get intentional with “being still” to “know” (an intimate, relational bond that produces confidence) that He really is God over our lives. So again, God IS talking. We can position ourselves to get quiet before Him, ask some questions, be still enough to hear His answer and let it soak in. This is what we call listening prayer. It’s two ways, which becomes multi-dimensional the more we enter into it.
Here’s some simple steps that Pastor Brent laid out for us on Saturday:
- Quiet yourself - try to eliminate distractions.
- Focus inward on the Lord, who lives in you (“Christ in me!”)
- With a sincere heart, ask God to speak to you and let Him know that you want to hear from Him ANYTHING He wants to reveal to you.
- Ask a question:
a. “Father, is there anything You want to communicate to me?”
b. “Father, what do You think about me?”
c. “Father, would You give me wisdom about……?” 5. Journal - This is so good for later, when the busyness starts up again. Go back and read what you heard in your heart. Meditate on it.
No matter where you are, you can meet Him there. Some intention, though, does help us out a whole lot. This can look like making an appointment, going into a quiet space, walking away from something. He really will meet with us and give us His wisdom. Love, Todd