Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Essential Holy Spirit by pastor Brent Lokker

We are in the midst of something profoundly special! This past Saturday I was going to take some time to talk about how essential Holy Spirit is in our journey as followers of Jesus. What happened instead is Holy Spirit took over (which we always want) and ushered us into incredibly deep places in God’s heavenly, spiritual realm. There were tears, laughter, prophetic insights, and probably a thousand more intricacies into the hearts of those throughout the room.  After lingering for a very long time in this profoundly beautiful and holy place, I did end up sharing for a short time about the Essential Holy Spirit by reading through Acts 1:1-11.
Holy Spirit’s nearness on Saturday night was one more answer to our prolonged heart cries for more of the Lord and it didn’t happen by accident. Our heavenly Father places a longing in our hearts for Him, but our responses to that longing are a significant reason why He chooses to interact with us as He does, just as would be true with any of us with those we dearly love.

But do we have something to do with the outpouring of God’s Spirit? We get a clue to the answer when Jesus told his followers to wait for the promised Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4). Waiting, it turns out, is an active longing, not a passive twiddling our thumbs. To “wait on the Lord” actually means to be entwined or braided with His heart. Knowing that, here are a few reasons we experienced this delicious feast of Holy Spirit’s outpouring last Saturday…
  • Deep intercession took place before the service. I cannot underscore how important our agreement is to God. And then God responds to our heart cries!
  • Our worship leaders have allowed their hearts to be tenderized, which is why they can lead us into such intimate encounters with the Lord. This past week Todd and Damali were the ones to do so, and we are so appreciative!
  • Those of you who came ready to give whole-hearted worship and devotion to our heavenly Father became a magnet for His tender interactions with us. This springs forth from our own daily moments of intimacy with the Lord. Collectively, our desire for closeness with Him and our experiences of closeness with Him spill over into experiencing Him together as followers of Jesus in deeply profound ways.

Our good friend Jo Moody just shared this word that struck a deep, deep chord in my spirit:
 “I had a vivid vision of what the Lord is doing in this Isaiah 61 time:  I saw an elephant. The sound coming forth was out of its trunk and not an angelic trumpet. The elephant was blasting the sound and it was so loud. I asked the Lord for understanding and he led me to learn that the deep wells had been uncapped and the sound had been released to come to the water and drink. When one elephant finds living water in a season of drought and stagnant water (and there is only a small watering hole) the elephant send a trumpet blast so loud that it can be heard 28 miles away by other elephants. They know to come running because of the sound. They come in droves to gather with the single elephant. Because the watering hole is not large enough for all of them, they begin to stomp their feet until the ground is broken up and shaken so much it releases the well of water below. This stomping group allows the water to flow so that all who are thirsty can come and drink.

Our longing for the depths of the Lord is not for us alone.  Others are coming! This watering hole is about to open into dimensions we never dreamed possible!

                                                                              Love, Pastor Brent

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Preparing to Dive In by Pastor Russ Fochler

This Saturday February 23rd, Brent Lokker begins our exploration of the Book of Acts

Last Saturday I shared a message about preparing to "dive in" to the Book of Acts.  You can listen to the podcast here:   Mostly, I focused upon what Jesus shared with His apostles about the Holy Spirit as recorded in the Gospel of John.  I believe Book of Acts could not have happened without the Holy Spirit.

We're looking for personal and societal transformation as we explore Acts with Holy Spirit as our teacher, leader, and empowerer.  As you read this book for yourself, I encourage you to invite Holy Spirit to make it experiential for you -- to "dive in" and be immersed.

As I promised during my talk last Saturday, here are some enjoyable and helpful overviews of the Book of Acts by The Bible Project.
These first 2 videos are quick summaries with sketches
Part 1: Acts Ch. 1-12 (~ 8 minutes)

Part 2: Acts Ch. 13-18 (~ 8 minutes)

The next 4 videos are animated and include helpful background information.
Acts 1-7 (~ 6 minutes)
Please see below to learn the background behind why we're focusing on the Book of Acts now.

Russ Fochler

Preparing to Dive In by pastor Russ Fochler

This Saturday February 23rd, Brent Lokker begins our exploration of the Book of Acts

Last Saturday I shared a message about preparing to "dive in" to the Book of Acts.  You can listen to the podcast here:   Mostly, I focused upon what Jesus shared with His apostles about the Holy Spirit as recorded in the Gospel of John.  I believe Book of Acts could not have happened without the Holy Spirit.

We're looking for personal and societal transformation as we explore Acts with Holy Spirit as our teacher, leader, and empowerer.  As you read this book for yourself, I encourage you to invite Holy Spirit to make it experiential for you -- to "dive in" and be immersed.

As I promised during my talk last Saturday, here are some enjoyable and helpful overviews of the Book of Acts by The Bible Project.
These first 2 videos are quick summaries with sketches
Part 1: Acts Ch. 1-12 (~ 8 minutes)

Part 2: Acts Ch. 13-18 (~ 8 minutes)

The next 4 videos are animated and include helpful background information.
Acts 1-7 (~ 6 minutes)
Please see below to learn the background behind why we're focusing on the Book of Acts now.

Russ Fochler

Friday, February 15, 2019

We Are On Offense Not Defense by pastor Brent Lokker

This past Saturday at Blazing Fire, all six pastors got up together and shared elements of where we believe God has been leading us and is leading us in this time in Kingdom history. I encourage you to listen to the podcast here.

During my portion, I shared about the authority we have in Christ to reveal more of heaven's culture wherever we are and I included an upgraded revelation I received about what Jesus said in Matthew 5:43-45:

You have heard the saying, “You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you to love your enemies, and pray for those who put curses on you! Then you will really be the children of your Father in the heavenly places." (The Source NT)

Too often we’ve been on the defense, focusing on defending ourselves from blow after blow. But Jesus said we are his Ekklesia, and the gates of hades will not prevail against us, meaning we are on offense, not defense. We have been given powerful weapons, if you will. Not to destroy, but to transform with love and blessing and light!

Yes, people have cursed us by making agreements with darkness to encroach upon us. But instead of stopping at defending ourselves by breaking curses, we must understand the authority we have in Christ to bless those who curse us and make declarations that will change the very heart of those who curse us, thus bringing about transformation.

“Father, bring those who curse us into the light!  Let light penetrate every place of darkness! Let them experience the freedom that Jesus brings!  Holy Spirit, surround them with your presence. These are ones that you love, Father!!!!  Set them free!!!”

We are Christ’s ekklesia, the ones empowered by Him and filled with His Spirit to agree with heaven’s culture here on the earth. When we do so, heaven will respond!  We are on offense with love and grace and mercy and power to heal and set the captives free!

With Love,
Pastor Brent

P.S. We've felt God's leading to go through the book of Acts starting this month! 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Metanoia - Turn it Around - Change Your Mind by prophetic overseer Bill Hernandez

The Kingdom of Heaven is near and we are empowered to change our minds accordingly. We are given the command to do so. Metanoia is the greek work used for changing your mind which subsequently leads to changes in behaviors over time. Jesus said, "Change your minds, for heaven’s realm is near," Matt 4:17. We can proactively choose to let go of the bad stuff and replace it with the Lord's provision of solutions, empowerment, Holy Spirit, wisdom, joy and peace because they are right at our very door just like Jesus says. A whole new world beckons.

I believe this is a timely message for some of you even into the far future for any who read this later on. Some of you may have wandered off the path or have gotten lost and you don't know where you are going or what you are doing with your life in your career, your ministry, your relationships. Some have fallen into negative behaviors or thought patterns where you feel stuck. I call these rabbit trails in our lives - time wasters. They stop the clock to going forward and worse we can pick up the enemy or tormentors along the way. There is a solution.

We've heard the word "repent" and it's often understood as changing your behaviors, however it begins with an invasion of your mind with God's perspective. Change the mind and the behaviors will follow. Romans 12:1 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Transformation begins in the mind.

This mind transformation is vital to victory. While we are changing our minds and our thinking, we may still be struggling with bad behaviors and those behaviors come under siege when we allow the Lord in to invade our minds with the kingdom that is near. In time the behaviors succumb to the fruits of the Spirit as stated in Gal 5:22 - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. During this whole process of being transformed we are greatly loved, acceptable and respected by Him even if we are making serious mistakes along the way. In time you will change. He never condemns and if you condemn yourself that just delays the progress so give up condemning yourself and accept that He loves you and keep on going.

If we can't discern or feel God, this could be because we are hurting or going through things, but it does not mean He is not near. A radio that is broken that can't receive does not mean the broadcast is not there. We can be tuned into the wrong channel listening to and acting on bad info, but it does not mean God is not sending good stuff because the kingdom of heaven is indeed near.

Here are a few exercises that you can repeat to yourself. I believe it's important that when you let go of something fill that vacuum with the God stuff. Here goes:
  • I give up negative thoughts and replace them with a Holy transformed mind.
  • I give up drug and alcohol dependency and replace them with being filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • I give up anger and replace it with Your reconciliation and forgiveness.
  • I give up bitterness and hurt and replace it with a softened heart.
  • I give up lust for anything, power, money, sex, persons and replace it with a desire for intimacy with you Jesus.
  • I give up shame and guilt and replace it with Your love and acceptance for me.
  • I give up manipulation and replace with cooperation & respect.
  • I give up vengeance and crawl into Your lap to hold me.
  • I give up lying and replace it Your truthfulness and honesty.
  • I give up fear and replace it with Your protection and care.
  • I give up impatience and replace it with Your compassion & calm.
  • I give up greed and replace it with generosity.
  • I give up suspiciousness and replace with it with true revelation.
  • I give up religiosity and legalism and replace it with being my true self made in Your image.

Phil 4:8 "... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. ... practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

Ps 139:23 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way."

Check out the podcasts for my sermon on this subject -


Bill Hernandez
Prophetic Overseer