Friday, January 11, 2019

Change Is Good by Pastor Brent Lokker

We may try to fool ourselves that we like change, but statistically that’s really not the case. In a book by Alan Deutschman, Change or Die, a study found only one of nine people will make lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc.) even after they are told they could prolong their life, restore their health, and even reverse diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Get that? Only 11 percent of people choose life over death.

Yet, change isn’t only inevitable—it’s good and it’s part of God’s plan!

Last Saturday I talked about a paradigm shift that the Church around the world is going through—
a massive change that needs to happen. You can hear my message here:
Saturday's Message
In a nutshell, instead of embracing the excitement of being chosen by God to take part in a global redevelopment program (ushering in the Kingdom of Light as heaven invades earth!), we’ve been duped over the centuries to believe we are passive consumers who look to a few paid clergy to help us make it through another week.

Much of this paradigm shift has to do with embracing who Jesus says we are as the Ekklesia.

“I will build myEekklesia, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18

Ekklesia is the Greek word most bibles mistranslate as “church” yet the word means “an assembly of called out ones” who’ve been given all authority by Jesus to usher God’s Kingdom and be change agents on the earth.

Lou Engle teaches that “when Jesus said He was going to build His Ekklesia, He meant He was going to build His governmental center. He was going to establish His ruling body with the revelation that He is the Messiah and the supreme ruler of the earth. The gates of hell would not prevail against the kind of assembly Jesus intended to build. A change of mindset is needed in the Body of Christ. We are not just going to a building on Sunday [or Saturday night!]. We are joining an assembly, a spiritual body governing our cities, states, and nations, with Christ as our Head. We are not just leading a prayer session in our houses of prayer. We are gathering an assembly around the throne of God, and releasing leadership. We are binding principalities and powers. We are part of an Ekklesia. Understood properly, an Ekklesia is a threat to every corrupt government, drug lord, rebellious king, and demonic principality.”

This Saturday I’m so excited to announce that Greg Simas, a pastor from Convergence House of Prayer in Fremont, will be preaching at Blazing Fire Church and sharing a life-giving message about the Ekklesia. You’re going to hear a bit about what happened in history to get us off course, why most translations mistranslate this word (starting with the King James Version) and what God is doing on the earth to bring His bride back into proper alignment with the purposes of His Kingdom of love, grace and power. You are going to be brilliantly challenged and sufficiently fired up to live as the world changers you’ve been created to be!

With Excitement for God’s Future Plans,

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