Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jesus, Friend Forever - by guest contributor Favor Mitchell

From creation, God’s intention has been to walk with us in loving community and friendship. Before having to leave the garden, Adam was walking with God in the cool of the day. Abraham was called a friend of God, as was Moses, who knew His ways while the children of Israel just knew His actions. David had such a relational connection to God that he was called a man after God’s own heart. We see beautiful snapshots of the type of bond we all were always meant to have with God in the Old Testament, yet somehow, humanity got into a distant, disconnected, taskmaster-slave mentality driven by what God is “supposed” to do and what we’re “supposed” to do in exchange.

Enter: Jesus, the Game Changer! Jesus fully divine, became fully human  and fully connected to His heart to physically love on humanity and show us what we were always created for. He came to show us what heaven truly looks like and this, My Friends, is where we discover that heavenly perspective is a whole new ball game! He says,  "You think you know who God is?  Nah, let me show you!" "You think you know what leadership is? Here, let me show you!" "You think you know what friendship is? Let me show you!" He broke into humanity’s limited perspective, showing us the kingdom realities of what we thought we knew.  He does the same for us today and as He does this, I am acutely aware of how much I personally don’t know.

In my personal friendship with God, I press in and ask questions when He does something beyond my scope of understanding.  I ask, “Jesus, how were you able to be so present and vulnerable with people that often misunderstood you?” Most recently, I’ve been wondering, “How were you able to be totally vulnerable with Judas, sharing so openly with him even though you knew he was the one to betray you? How were able to not change the way you loved him? Were you even a little tempted to leave a corner of dust or donkey poo on his foot when it was time to wash his feet?”

Ultimately, the way I learn this type of love is by asking these questions and having this level of intimacy in the first place. As I learn that God never intended to be my taskmaster… I stop trying to be His. Our relationship moves past lists and demanding requests camouflaged as prayers and turns into something beautiful; a place where we can safely exchange with Him and Him with us. A place where we can see and know His heart, and open ours for him to see. Therefore, discovering that God “never called [us] servants…”( John 15:15, TPT) messes me up in the best way possible. We’re free to  participate in this everlasting friendship that grows, stretches, and deepens.

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