Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Is A Breakthrough What You Really Need? by BF guest contributor Damali Vaughn

Is A Breakthrough What You Really Need? 

By Damali Vaughn

That’s an odd question to ask, isn’t it?  After all we’ve been going through, many of us for years, we desperately need some kind of break or change in our circumstances to be able to move forward.  Many of us have even said that “if only this wasn’t in my life” OR “I could be doing so much more for the Kingdom if only I didn’t have this or that circumstance seemingly blocking me.”
I’ve said that countless times in my life.  While God may appreciate our noble desire to live for Him, He may actually have a different priority for us other than our breakthrough.  Matt Guillot (one of three speakers who spoke during last Saturday’s worship service) made this point and challenged us to ask ourselves, “Which do we want more?”  “God? Or the breakthrough in our circumstances?” 
Well of course we want God!  But yet our “If only” statements or thoughts are often telling of where our focus really is. 
“The focus of breakthrough is God, not a change of circumstances.”  - Matthew Guillot
In Psalm 34, David chose to shift his focus on the Lord in spite of what he was going through, which was numerous years of torment and humiliation as his enemies pursued him.
1 “I will extol the Lord at all times;
    His praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the Lord;
    let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the Lord with me;
    let us exalt His name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and He answered me;
    He delivered me from all my fears.”
David most definitely desperately needed a breakthrough, wouldn’t you agree?  He knew that the key to his breakthrough was trusting in God, rather than trusting in a delivered outcome.   He didn’t say, “If only I were king now, then I could focus on worshiping God.”  He chose to worship God before any sign of breakthrough would occur. 
“We have the greatest opportunity to worship Jesus now before we get to heaven.  In heaven it won’t be a sacrifice.” – Daniel Roberts
Matthew shared a few more gold nuggets to remember in regards to breakthrough:
  1. Honor God’s presence by dropping everything when He shows up.  Acknowledge Him. Listen. Thank Him for coming.  Engage with Him.  The priority is Him, not what needs to happen.  Desire only His closeness.  Desire His Presence above all else.
  2. When we make God our priority, He makes things that are important to us His priority.
    When you make God your shelter and safety, God does the things you long for on your behalf. (see Psalm 84)
  3. Take time to know God.  God wants to bring your breakthrough more than you want it, but not at the expense of you not knowing Him.  Seek God’s heart over seeking His hand.  Desire to know Who God is more than what God can do for you.
  4. Relationship with you is God’s priority.God desires an intimate relationship with you that is real and authentic.  God does not desire a relationship with your facade. 
  5. You are God’s priority.  What is best for your life is Him working on your behalf and surrendering your strength and will to His.  He delights in giving good gifts and fulfilling the desires of your heart.  Desire Him above all else.  Let Him come in power and lavish His Love on you.  Don’t desire an outcome or a worldly version of comfort.  Desire Him.
    Desire His Presence more than your next breath.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for being with us at this very moment.  Thank You also for being such a patient loving teacher.  For those of us that don’t know where to begin, we ask You God to give us hunger!  Transform our spiritual taste buds so that our appetite for You is greater than anything else.  Give us revelation of Your hunger for us and how You’ve prioritized us.  Holy Spirit, we give you permission to walk us through how to live in a place of perpetual breakthrough because we’ve made Your presence our preference.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Lizzy Strong also spoke last Saturday night and shared her testimony on how she experienced breakthrough from fear and anxiety.  To hear more of her story as well as more of what Matthew Guillot and Daniel Roberts shared, you may listen to the Blazing Fire Church podcast here.

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