Everyone’s story is different. We shared our stories to encourage you that there is a God that changes and transforms lives. We hope this gives you the courage to share your stories, and in doing so, help others become free!
When I was in my twenties, I got pregnant and had an abortion. It was at that time, that I started to seek God and eventually became a Christian. As time went on, I felt shame and condemnation for my decision to have an abortion. I felt inside that I would be punished and probably could never have any children. After Joel and I had been married, we received a prophetic word that our quiver would be full. We now have 3 beautiful daughters! Even those hidden fears inside that we don’t even confess to anyone, God can come and show you how faithful He is - He knows your hidden thoughts and is faithful to heal you and faithful to give you more than you could
ask or think!
In my journey with the Lord, I can truly say He is faithful through every season.
He equips us for seasons ahead that are going to be difficult, where He is taking us deeper. He knows the perfect timing for uprooting and replanting. These are times that we can feel unstable - as if taking one step forward, we then move three steps backward. Often times, these are seasons He is healing us of deep wounds to bring us to a place of wholeness. These are times where we need help from others who will pray for us, encourage us, and contend for our breakthrough. God never intended for us to walk alone, but that we heal through community.
If you are in a season as I have described, I encourage you to find a few folks that will pray for you and stand with you. Home group is a great place for that! If there’s a need for deeper ministry and as the Lord leads, seek it: Heart Trek, counseling, getting together with someone who has wisdom and maturity, etc. God knows what you need and He has made provision for you.
I am confident of this - “He who has began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6b)
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