Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fresh Manna by Pastor Susan Fochler

Years ago while taking a class on inner healing, a woman told me that if a person wasn’t excited about reading the Bible, their heart was hard.  That comment offended me, because, at the time, I wasn’t all that excited about reading The Word, but I sure didn’t want to think my heart was hard.  So I shrugged off her comment and decided she was wrong and went on my merry way.  But her comment stayed with me.

You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free!
Since then, I’ve come to appreciate how much the Word can be an incredible source of healing and inspiration.  The Word is Truth, but it is Spirit also.  When I open up my heart to really hear how much God first, understands and empathizes with what I am going through, but then, secondly, shows how His truth trumps my limited perception, I am set free.  Both His compassion and His answers are amazingly woven together throughout the Scriptures.  In receiving what He has to say, however, my heart must be yielded and ready to receive.

More than Words: Spirit and Life
The BIble says it is the “Sword” of the Spirit  in Eph. 6:17, a literal spiritual weapon that we all have access to.  It is so powerful that Jesus used Scripture to counter satan’s every argument when He was being tempted in the wilderness.  When Jesus told satan, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes down from the mouth of God”, He wasn’t just quoting Scripture, He was feeling it, believing it, living it.  He knew, from the depths of His being, that His Father’s words would sustain Him in a way nothing else could.

Do you have a problem?  It is written...
I was going through something recently when I got in touch with old pain and feelings of inadequacy and “not being enough”.  I asked the Lord to show me in His word what I needed to know.  He led me to the parable of the loaves and the fishes, where the little boy offers all that he has to Jesus; a few fish and loaves of bread.  I could so relate, seeing the need, but feeling I had little to offer.

More than Enough
The truth of the Kingdom far outshines reality on earth.  Those few morsels fed a multitude as Jesus blessed it, with overflow.  As I meditated on these verses I could feel the Truth touch me deeply.  I was no different than that little boy.  My few fish and loaves really were enough.  More than enough.  It didn’t make any sense in the natural, but in our King’s Realm my weakness will always be enough.  God’s words of life have the power to conquer the words of death that have been spoken over you.

I bless you all to be able to open up your hearts to the Truth in a deeper way as you open up the pages of your Bible.  Not by trying harder, but by yielding more.
May you all be mightily blessed with knowing how tangible, how powerful and how custom-designed for you His truth is!

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