On the day of Pentecost 2
millennia ago the Holy Spirit was poured out on a group of believers and Peter
said that the day Joel spoke of had arrived. “For these men are not drunk , as
you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day; but this is what was
spoken of through the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28): ‘ And it shall be in the last
days’ God says that I will pour forth my Spirit on all mankind and your sons
and your daughters shall prophesy.” Acts 2:15-17
As a result of being filled
by the Holy Spirit, Paul is able to state, “You can all prophesy” 1 Cor 14:31
Also as a result, anyone
that comes within my circle where I am teaching and releasing the prophetic
will be firmly, but gently challenged to blurt out prophetic utterances on the
spot! I can do this with confidence inspired by the Holy Spirit within knowing
that indeed you have all been endowed with powers beyond this realm. I want you
all to grasp the reality of another world breaking forth through your very
beings. I want the world to see and know that a heavenly realm exists and
thereby turning its heart to God. Through the prophetic the world can be
comforted, edified and consoled. You can be the consoling, comforting,
reconciling heart of the Lord if you just step out and meet the challenge.
With enough practice in a
safe environment that I like to create, people eventually begin to prophesy
confidently. I believe this happens because we have permission to train and release
the saints into amazing expressions of God's timely words to His people. I
always tell people if they hang around me and others who are prophetic that
they will catch it. Truly, this more caught than taught, but I believe this is
because it's already inside and it's just revealed or sucked out into the open
when we are around others who are doing it.
Any ministry of the Holy
Spirit is easy to catch by just hanging around people who are doing the stuff.
It really is infectious. I made sure to hang around the anointed leaders and
watch them and hear them minister and it sunk in somehow and I came out and found
myself doing what they were doing. Like Jesus, they were doing what the Father
was doing and now I along with all my team am doing the same thing. The Father
promotes this by pouring out more power, more ability, more inspiration to
continually raise up and equip His army. He is totally into revealing what He
has placed inside of you.
I will always do my part by
telling others, "You can do it! You too will prophesy!"
For my latest project to
provide a place for you to learn how to prophesy, I am offering a training
seminar on the prophetic on November 15-16 and I would encourage you not to
miss it. It will change your life and those whom you minister to. We will be
teaching out of Kris Vallotton's manual Basic Training in the Prophetic
Ministry. Please check out the website for information on how to register: http://blazingfire.org/sopregistration.htm

Bill Hernandez
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