Let's face it, none of us particulary cares for big changes in our lives that seem to upset "the way things were." Especially when "the way things were" were pretty darn good. But our loving heavenly Father--who is outside of our timeline (that we like to thing we're in control of)--knows all things, knows the very best for us, and knows how to get us exactly where He wants us to be for the sake of His Kingdom plans to bless the whole earth.
Sometimes that's kicking us out of a comfortable nest we'd happily stay in the rest of our lives. That's actually how and why I planted two churches, the last one being Blazing Fire Church that God has used to transform the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of lives over the past 13 years--but that's a story for another time.
In a similar fashion, Lonnie & Angela Ellis, who have been on staff as our elders and pastors (Lonnie for the past 10 years!), have been coaxed out of this nest called Blazing Fire Church to venture out where the Spirit of God is leading them next. It's a bit scary for them, but the adventure of leaping out under the direction of the Holy Spirit and having to trust entirely upon the goodness and faithfulness of God will give them deeper roots in the Lord than they could possibly imagine--the kind of roots needed to go to the ends of the earth any time they are called to do so.
Lonnie & Angela will be preaching tomorrow night, Saturday, September 7th at Blazing Fire Church. They will be sharing their hearts and bringing us some encouragement, as they always do. And we will have the privilege of sending them on their journey with blessing, not because we want to see them go, but because we want to see Jesus get everything he paid for on the cross for the sake of the world God so loves, and He is sending them into the next phase of the journey He's already planned for them.
I have a big favor to ask of you--Would you help us bless them with a generous financial gift from our Blazing Fire family? We can never give to someone financially what they are worth, but please help as you are able for us to give Lonnie & Angela an over-the-top blessing for their many years of pouring into our Blazing Fire family.
This is going to be one of those extra memorable family night together, so please join us if at all possible. If you can't be there, you can still bless them by sending a gift to Blazing Fire Church, P.O. Box 1599, Pleasanton, CA 94566, and put their name in the memo or send something through Paypal onhttp://www.blazingfire.org, noting that it's for them.
I will end with a short segment from my friend Myles Weiss who explains the Jewish year 5774 that we just entered into on Wednesday night. This is for Lonnie & Angela and for each and every one of you reading this!
5774 – Ready to go through the Open Door?
The decade of “70” is coming into its 4th year. We are celebrating the Fall Feasts and beginning the year 5774. The Hebrew letter “ayin” which is the word associated with 70 is pictured by the eye. A door pictures the Hebrew letter “dalet”, the 4th letter. This coming year will include many opportunities for us…as God is opening doors.
As the seasons pass from Rosh HaShanah to Yom Kippur, let’s not lose the symbolic importance of the “day of blowing” —the Feast of Trumpets. Beyond the heavenly sound of the physical ram’s horn, there is also the picture of who we are to be as His representatives in the Earth. In our generation, we are to sound the alarm, the Good News, and the call to war as watchmen on the wall.
When we allow God to have His way, we are the voice of God lifted up and released into His purposes. It is time find your destiny … and walk in the specific calling He has for you. This year, 5774 God intends for you to look for open doors of opportunity for you and I to speak words of wisdom and grace to those around us.
You are a shofar in His hands in this generation!.
Sometimes that's kicking us out of a comfortable nest we'd happily stay in the rest of our lives. That's actually how and why I planted two churches, the last one being Blazing Fire Church that God has used to transform the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of lives over the past 13 years--but that's a story for another time.
Lonnie & Angela will be preaching tomorrow night, Saturday, September 7th at Blazing Fire Church. They will be sharing their hearts and bringing us some encouragement, as they always do. And we will have the privilege of sending them on their journey with blessing, not because we want to see them go, but because we want to see Jesus get everything he paid for on the cross for the sake of the world God so loves, and He is sending them into the next phase of the journey He's already planned for them.
I have a big favor to ask of you--Would you help us bless them with a generous financial gift from our Blazing Fire family? We can never give to someone financially what they are worth, but please help as you are able for us to give Lonnie & Angela an over-the-top blessing for their many years of pouring into our Blazing Fire family.
This is going to be one of those extra memorable family night together, so please join us if at all possible. If you can't be there, you can still bless them by sending a gift to Blazing Fire Church, P.O. Box 1599, Pleasanton, CA 94566, and put their name in the memo or send something through Paypal onhttp://www.blazingfire.org, noting that it's for them.
I will end with a short segment from my friend Myles Weiss who explains the Jewish year 5774 that we just entered into on Wednesday night. This is for Lonnie & Angela and for each and every one of you reading this!
5774 – Ready to go through the Open Door?
The decade of “70” is coming into its 4th year. We are celebrating the Fall Feasts and beginning the year 5774. The Hebrew letter “ayin” which is the word associated with 70 is pictured by the eye. A door pictures the Hebrew letter “dalet”, the 4th letter. This coming year will include many opportunities for us…as God is opening doors.
As the seasons pass from Rosh HaShanah to Yom Kippur, let’s not lose the symbolic importance of the “day of blowing” —the Feast of Trumpets. Beyond the heavenly sound of the physical ram’s horn, there is also the picture of who we are to be as His representatives in the Earth. In our generation, we are to sound the alarm, the Good News, and the call to war as watchmen on the wall.
When we allow God to have His way, we are the voice of God lifted up and released into His purposes. It is time find your destiny … and walk in the specific calling He has for you. This year, 5774 God intends for you to look for open doors of opportunity for you and I to speak words of wisdom and grace to those around us.
You are a shofar in His hands in this generation!.
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