Check out Hebrews 10:25 in the Mirror translation:
"In the light of our free access to the Father, let us extend that embrace to one another. Our gatherings are no longer a repetition of tradition but an essential fellowship where we remind one another of our true identity."
More than ever, we need to resist the enemy's attempts to isolate and separate us and instead come together as a family to remind one another continually of who Papa God says we truly are. You are not and never will be an orphan who doesn't belong. You are and always will be a son or daughter who belongs to the family of God!
Here is a link to the amazing video I showed last Saturday that perfectly represents how we are adopted into and belong to God's family:
In order to not be isolated or keep your heart safely walled off from others, you must choose to enter in and belong to a family where you are known, celebrated and loved! Learning to be real and vulnerable can be scary at first, but it is essential in living as the wholehearted son or daughter you are created to be.
I am inviting you to choose to belong to Blazing Fire. Or if you feel you already do, to come in closer still. Practically, this means:
1. Let us know you want to belong--for your sake (stepping over the line to say you want to belong is a way of committing your heart to the process)
2. Make gathering with the BF family a priority. You can't be known and go deeper with us if you're not with us!
3. Enter in wholeheartedly. By this, I mean choose to let God into the deepest places of your heart (it starts there) and then begin to let in others in as well. Take the risk of being yourself.
4. Give to the family. The Blazing Fire family is not only a place to receive love and acceptance, but it's a place to give what you have as well. We need you! Others in our family need your encouragement! Others in our family will be blessed as you step out into the dreams God has placed on your heart! And as you contribute financially to our family, you are helping support the dreams and visions of the Blazing Fire staff which, in large part, is about creating a family culture where we all grow and heal and thrive and make a genuine difference in this world.
There is a special place for you in our family! Choose to belong!
With Much Love,
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