Friday, May 10, 2013

Transformed by God's Voice by Pastor Susan Fochler

One of my favorite moments while ministering to people is watching God reveal something so clear, so healing, so life-giving that they know it is Him.  Hearing truth beyond natural human thought propels them out of the here and now and into the realms of heavenly glory.  Perspective shifts from temporal to eternal, expectation expands from what seems blandly predictable to some wonderful something just beyond the horizon.

God can’t wait to Respond to our Need

Such a moment occurred recently, as a young man, “Jack” discussed his feelings of depression with me.  He felt it was rooted in being given up for adoption at birth.  “Jack” had since discovered that he had a number of younger siblings that his birth mom had chosen to keep.  The question of “why me?” tormented him.  Why was he dispensable, and the others weren’t?  He kept hoping that if he could find out this “why” it would help bring closure, but his birth mom wouldn’t discuss it.

His Thoughts are so much Higher than Ours

“Jack” was willing to connect with Jesus and hear what He had to say.  As we asked, “Jesus, what do You want me to know about myself that I’ve never known before?”, God’s presence filled the room.  He heard very clearly, with an expression of surprise and amazement, “I matter” .....“I matter”!  That knowing went in deep.  The God of all creation was personally and intimately telling “Jack” that his life was precious and uniquely known.  Wow.  Lifted from a place of feeling worthless to knowing beyond a doubt he was irreplaceably significant.  Suddenly, the need to know “why” wasn’t quite so important.  The empty yearning in “Jack’s” heart to know that his life counted just got filled up a bit more by the truth resounding from heaven that his life truly mattered, was sincerely valued, never ignored or dismissed.

Let the River Flow

When I get stuck, either emotionally or spiritually, it is usually the signal to me that I need to stop and position myself to hear that still, small voice of Jesus.  The hardest part is getting off my internal treadmill of self-effort, and sit back into the rest of His presence.  He can’t wait to speak words, thoughts, life-transforming encouragement and inspiration.  Once I allow myself to surrender and relax, God’s voice flows fluidly and effortlessly; restoring assurance of His presence and deep interest in the little issues of my life.  Why do I ever get caught up in trying to figure things out for myself?  I continue to rediscover in new ways how very committed He really is to my life; to help, encourage and just be present.  God just wants to be invited in ever deepening ways into the journey of our lives with Him.  Then the journey becomes a fulfilling adventure!


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