Friday, February 8, 2013

The Call To Pray by Bobby Conner

Blazing Fire Family, be greatly encouraged to draw into the deeper places with the Lord with this word from Bobby Conner:

The Call to Pray

The Spirit of God is calling each and every Believer to come aside, approach the Almighty, and spend time with God in prayer.

Do you realize that there is absolutely nothing more powerful and productive in the whole earth than the prayers of the saints? It is a mystery of the Kingdom that God indeed restricts His actions when we do not pray. Without prayer, He does not move; with prayer, however, He can do anything. Through our prayers and petitions to God, all things are possible.

Truly, prayer moves the hand of God...and when the hand of Almighty God moves, nothing and no one can stop Him. Let's set our heart to activate the hand of God with our prayers.

Captured, Consumed, Compelled

It is time not only to petition the Lord in prayer but also to be still and truly know who God is (see Psalm 46:10). The Spirit of God is calling each of us to prayer, but this call is not just an invitation to make our requests known, as important as that is.

On a deeper level, God is inviting us to intimate communion with our Maker.

Imagine! We are being called to be captured by Divine Love.

We're invited to become consumed by the Holy Spirit.

And we are being compelled to ascend to the Throne of God.

When Jesus Christ was crucified and finally gave up His Spirit, the veil of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was torn from top to bottom, the veil that prevented access to the Holy of Holies to everyone but the high priest. What does this mean for us today? The Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ opened wide our access to the Almighty God.

What an outstanding honor: each of us has an open invitation to speak with our Father heart to heart. We as created beings are invited by the Creator Himself to communicate and commune with Him, to approach His Throne boldly because of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ.

Who, Me?

Yes, you! The King of Kings and Lord of lords has issued an invitation to you to draw near to Him. What could be more magnificent and heart stirring than communicating with the Creator of the entire universe? What an awesome privilege you have been granted! You are called to talk to God and hear His voice in turn.

Why? God desires to commune with you because you are incredibly precious and unspeakably special to Him as His child. You are deeply cherished by your Abba-Father. Set your heart upon this thought. Contemplate and ponder this truth: your heavenly Father, Maker of Heaven and earth, yearns to hear your innermost thoughts and desires and share His heart with you.

In other words, God wants to engage with you personally, intimately, continuously, as you learn to abide in Him and practice His presence throughout the day. He is interested in every nuance of your thoughts and feelings that rob you of His peace or shalom; He wants to heal and deliver you from every offense and wound because He is deeply touched by whatever touches your life.

Beloved, set aside every distraction and all unnecessary activities, secondary interests and carnal, worldly pursuits, and contend with all of your heart to find that secret place with God. May the Spirit of God so motivate our hearts with a "holy hunger" that we, too, find immense joy spending time communing with our Heavenly Father and bear much fruit for His glory!

Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries

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