Thursday, January 17, 2013

There's Something Bigger Going On! by Pastor Lonnie Ellis

A huge shift is happening in the Spirit!  God continues to take us all from Glory to Glory (2 Cor 3:18) and He is preparing believers more than ever to usher in a massive harvest of souls--sons and daughters who wlll soon discover their true Father and who will meet their Savior, Jesus, who paid the ultimate price on the cross for their complete freedom.  It's time to bring them the love and power of God and they're going to need a spiritual home with dads, moms, brothers and sisters who will help to heal them, encourage them and send them out again, equipped to bring in more sons and daughters.

Are we ready??

Last Saturday night, Pastor Brent, Pastor Lonnie and Pastor Angela opened up their hearts to share what God has been saying to them about preparing for this shift (listen to that message here:

We heard God, in a sense, daring us to give away the gold nuggets we carry of our life-transforming Kingdom Core Values to the Bay Area and to the world and trust Him to provide for our needs as certain people help to pay it forward to other students in the future who will need the same instruction.  We have a harvest to reach and it's time!

"Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (Jesus in John 4:35)

In the 5 days since sharing this new direction from the Lord, 35 students have already enrolled in our on-campus school and over 20 have enrolled in our online school. We anticipate many more people enrolling in KTSOS in the next two weeks. Class size for our on-campus school is limited, so we will cut off the enrollment when we reach that limit.

To take away every excuse you may have, we are providing a two-week window for both the on campus and online schools for you to try it out.  If at the end of that time, this school is not for you, you can walk away from it with no hard feelings on our end.  If at the end of that two weeks, however, you know that God is saying "yes" for you to complete the 5 month school, we will ask you to formally agree to attending class, doing the homework and submitting to our leadership while you are in class.  The only thing you will need to purchase for yourself are the 3 or 4 required books (approximately $50 that are in hard copy or e-book form on Amazon). 
You may already own the books:

Daddy, You Love Me by Brent Lokker
Supernatural Ways of Royalty by Kris Vallotton
Culture of Honor by Danny Silk
and possibly one more book still to be determined

So what is your response?

If you already know in your spirit that this is where God wants you to be (on campus or online for the next five months), sign up right here, right now:
On-Campus School Starts: Feb 5, 2013 and runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9:30 am-2:30 pm until June 27th.

Registration forms due by: Feb 3, 2013

On-Line School Starts: Feb 19, 2013 (approximately 8 hours of worship & instruction/week to view at the times that are best for you during the week)
Registration forms due by: Feb 11, 2013


Parkway Fellowship International Prayer Center in Dublin, California - just minutes by car from The Bart Station.

To register or for more information go to:

Pay It Forward-NO Registration or Tuition Fee:

That means you pay whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to pay before, during or after the school term. We believe in sowing into the Kingdom of God. As we sow into you, we believe the Lord will multiply what has been sown--not just for you but for the generations to come. We further believe that the Holy Spirit will move and nudge you to sow back into the wells that fill you. In other words, if you are led by Holy Spirit to make a love donation back to our school, future generations after you will receive the gift of the school you were able to experience. We would appreciate any amount, however often you choose to sow back into the school financially, to offset the very real overhead costs of our school. With that said, it is still a gift! Sowing financially is not a requirement or expectation. We will love on you and bring you the spiritual gold nuggets from heaven no matter what! No pressure, no gimmicks.

The Vision & Purpose:

The vision of Blazing Fire’s Kingdom Training School of Supernatural is to build up and equip sons and daughters to release the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth in signs, wonders and miracles as they walk out their destiny in love! Kingdom Training is designed specifically for on-fire followers of Jesus who want to have a life that matters as warriors of the King, being used by Him to transform the world one heart at a time! We will equip and train you to see the Kingdom of God come here on earth just as it is in heaven! Kingdom Training is under the authority of Blazing Fire Church, whose vision is: to be passionate lovers of God who are joyfully experiencing His goodness, Fueling grace-based regional transformation as a Kingdom equipping resource center, and sending people to change the world! Blazing Fire Church is under the authority of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, whose mission is: “Revival—The personal, regional and global expansion of God’s Kingdom through His manifest presence.

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