Sunday, August 5, 2012

Unlocking your Dreams is easier than you think by Pastor Angela Ellis

Dreaming with God is exciting and exhilarating. But for many the birthing of a dream has been difficult. Sometimes the dreams we dream with God seem so big that we stay in a place of wonder. We wonder how in the world we will ever accomplish the vision before us!

The good news is no dream is too big for God! After all, He is the co-creator of our dreams. It's His very heart to give us the blue prints to our dreams, but often we are so caught in the wonder we forget the practical side of things such as the simple steps that could propel us forward into those dreams.

I believe in this season we are being beckoned by our Beloved to progress from dreamers to doers of His dreams.

To do this there are some practical things we can do, baby steps. The key is that we do something and keep moving in forward motion.

I encourage you all to ask Holy Spirit what is one thing I can do today that would take me one step closer to the dream I have dreamt with you?

Angela Ellis