We were created in Eden (Eden means the pleasure of God). This means we were created for God’s delight! The first face that Adam saw was the face of the Father. The first touch he felt was the touch of the Father. The first voice he heard was the voice of the Father. It’s all about the Father. We were created for that encounter!
When Adam was laying on the ground as a form of dust with no life yet, God breathed upon him the breath of life, Adam stood as a living being, not just a living respiratory system. That means every fiber of our being, spirit, soul & body has been designed for God’s presence!
Receiving the Father’s love is the first step—finally fully understanding beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the Beloved of the Father. You are 100% accepted every moment of the day! You have been chosen for the purpose of love!
After I received the baptism of the Father’s love, all the limits were broken off me at that very moment and I was able to say, “Send me anywhere, Lord.” Fear was instantly gone because perfect love had been deposited. I received my inheritance. Inheritance is given in family, in true relationship—It’s not a salary or allowance. In the Kingdom, we don’t work for inheritance, we work from inheritance.
When I learned to stop striving and to receive, my life radically changed! Complete affirmation and acceptance of who I am freed me from all my religious thinking. Before, I got my identity from performance—from what I did—but once I believed the Father’s love, nations opened up before me. When I stopped performing, I discovered that everything in the Kingdom is to be received, not to be achieved.
It’s not a struggle to be intimate with God. The struggle comes when we think we are not worthy of him or qualified to be in His presence. Yet God is telling us, “You are my beloved! Your place is with me!”
God the Father is saying, “Come into my house! I have prepared a special place just for you! This is where you find the best view. It is in me—in my presence!”
The key is to be a good receiver! Start here: “Father, I am 100% accepted by you!” You will want to be with the one who loves you 100%! He is your dad! You are his beloved and your job is to be loved by your Father.
When Adam was laying on the ground as a form of dust with no life yet, God breathed upon him the breath of life, Adam stood as a living being, not just a living respiratory system. That means every fiber of our being, spirit, soul & body has been designed for God’s presence!
Receiving the Father’s love is the first step—finally fully understanding beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the Beloved of the Father. You are 100% accepted every moment of the day! You have been chosen for the purpose of love!
After I received the baptism of the Father’s love, all the limits were broken off me at that very moment and I was able to say, “Send me anywhere, Lord.” Fear was instantly gone because perfect love had been deposited. I received my inheritance. Inheritance is given in family, in true relationship—It’s not a salary or allowance. In the Kingdom, we don’t work for inheritance, we work from inheritance.
When I learned to stop striving and to receive, my life radically changed! Complete affirmation and acceptance of who I am freed me from all my religious thinking. Before, I got my identity from performance—from what I did—but once I believed the Father’s love, nations opened up before me. When I stopped performing, I discovered that everything in the Kingdom is to be received, not to be achieved.
It’s not a struggle to be intimate with God. The struggle comes when we think we are not worthy of him or qualified to be in His presence. Yet God is telling us, “You are my beloved! Your place is with me!”
God the Father is saying, “Come into my house! I have prepared a special place just for you! This is where you find the best view. It is in me—in my presence!”
The key is to be a good receiver! Start here: “Father, I am 100% accepted by you!” You will want to be with the one who loves you 100%! He is your dad! You are his beloved and your job is to be loved by your Father.
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