We are in a season at Blazing Fire where we are seeking to discover and embrace what family and belonging means as a church body. This theme implies two dimensions; first, that we belong to God, then, out of that revelation, we can know that we belong to one another. I want to look a little at that first dimension; what it means to belong to God.
We are at home with Him, and He is at home with us, no matter what may be going on with our external circumstances. If we root our identity in anything less than knowing we are sons of the One Most High, we will feel empty and frustrated. No amount of ministry or doing can ever fill the vacuum of our deep-heart need to know-that-we-know, in an irreplaceable and irrevocable way, that we belong.
In looking at this theme, my thoughts turned to Abraham, at the moment when God came and asked him to take his long awaited and beloved son Isaac up Mount Moriah as a sacrifice. Say, what??? Can you imagine; the key to fulfilling every prophetic word over Abraham’s life has finally come - after a wait of many, many, decades. And now God is asking him to lay down the cumulative hope of his life. Of course we know God had another plan, but Abraham did not know that as he headed up the mountain.
What was it that had happened to Abraham between the time he “forced” his destiny to happen through Ishmael, and now, when he so willingly yields in complete trust to God that which was most dear to him? Clearly it was something that so radically transformed his heart that Abraham had come to a place of trusting God more than he trusted his own ability to figure things out. I am wrecked by Abraham's quick surrender. I can’t say I would act that same way in similar circumstances.
Believing the Promise
I believe what happened to change his heart and his very nature was this: covenant. God came to Abraham sometime between Ishmael and Isaac and promised: I will be yours. I will be faithful, I will fulfill My promises, I will take care of you. I care about your future, and I care about you. And Abraham believed Him, to the bottom of his heart. In exchange, God asked Abraham to be circumcised.
Circumcision is a cutting away of the flesh. Under the new covenant it means a softening of our heart, our conscience; a willingness to allow God into the deepest places of our thoughts, desires and yearnings; becoming one flesh with Him as we surrender any walls of independence or self-protection. A positioning where we want to partner with God in all things, and no longer live independently out of our own understanding.
Abraham becomes a son!
Clearly, for Abraham, this covenant/circumcision deal did something radical to his heart. He really, truly got that God was calling him to be a son who belonged to a Father who loved him dearly and tenderly. Abraham came to realize that the emptiness within, that need to be valued and have purpose, would never be satisfied with all the land, finances and possessions in the world; not with multitudes of progeny, giftedness and exploits...his only place of true satisfaction could be found in the fullness of who God is. Our identity is to be rooted in Who we belong to, not what we are doing. The “what” will always leave you empty, dissatisfied, yearning for more. The “Who”, the fullness of God’s goodness and glory; the never ending flow of His unconditional love and acceptance, is the only thing that can fill you to overflowing.
Our only true place of belonging is in Him, and from that place we know that we know that we belong to this body called the Church, Christ’s incarnate body, here on earth. He is our home, and once we get that we won’t be shaken.
So know this: you are your Beloved's, and He is yours!
You are in Him; He is in you. You are His home, He is your home; you’ve made it! You more than qualify; you are the best idea He has ever come up with!
He is pleased to possess you, and pleased to allow you to possess Him!
Your God truly is your exceedingly great reward!
Susan Fochler
We are at home with Him, and He is at home with us, no matter what may be going on with our external circumstances. If we root our identity in anything less than knowing we are sons of the One Most High, we will feel empty and frustrated. No amount of ministry or doing can ever fill the vacuum of our deep-heart need to know-that-we-know, in an irreplaceable and irrevocable way, that we belong.
In looking at this theme, my thoughts turned to Abraham, at the moment when God came and asked him to take his long awaited and beloved son Isaac up Mount Moriah as a sacrifice. Say, what??? Can you imagine; the key to fulfilling every prophetic word over Abraham’s life has finally come - after a wait of many, many, decades. And now God is asking him to lay down the cumulative hope of his life. Of course we know God had another plan, but Abraham did not know that as he headed up the mountain.
What was it that had happened to Abraham between the time he “forced” his destiny to happen through Ishmael, and now, when he so willingly yields in complete trust to God that which was most dear to him? Clearly it was something that so radically transformed his heart that Abraham had come to a place of trusting God more than he trusted his own ability to figure things out. I am wrecked by Abraham's quick surrender. I can’t say I would act that same way in similar circumstances.
Believing the Promise
I believe what happened to change his heart and his very nature was this: covenant. God came to Abraham sometime between Ishmael and Isaac and promised: I will be yours. I will be faithful, I will fulfill My promises, I will take care of you. I care about your future, and I care about you. And Abraham believed Him, to the bottom of his heart. In exchange, God asked Abraham to be circumcised.
Circumcision is a cutting away of the flesh. Under the new covenant it means a softening of our heart, our conscience; a willingness to allow God into the deepest places of our thoughts, desires and yearnings; becoming one flesh with Him as we surrender any walls of independence or self-protection. A positioning where we want to partner with God in all things, and no longer live independently out of our own understanding.
Abraham becomes a son!
Clearly, for Abraham, this covenant/circumcision deal did something radical to his heart. He really, truly got that God was calling him to be a son who belonged to a Father who loved him dearly and tenderly. Abraham came to realize that the emptiness within, that need to be valued and have purpose, would never be satisfied with all the land, finances and possessions in the world; not with multitudes of progeny, giftedness and exploits...his only place of true satisfaction could be found in the fullness of who God is. Our identity is to be rooted in Who we belong to, not what we are doing. The “what” will always leave you empty, dissatisfied, yearning for more. The “Who”, the fullness of God’s goodness and glory; the never ending flow of His unconditional love and acceptance, is the only thing that can fill you to overflowing.
Our only true place of belonging is in Him, and from that place we know that we know that we belong to this body called the Church, Christ’s incarnate body, here on earth. He is our home, and once we get that we won’t be shaken.
So know this: you are your Beloved's, and He is yours!
You are in Him; He is in you. You are His home, He is your home; you’ve made it! You more than qualify; you are the best idea He has ever come up with!
He is pleased to possess you, and pleased to allow you to possess Him!
Your God truly is your exceedingly great reward!
Susan Fochler
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