Thursday, March 29, 2012

How God Transformed A Culture by Pastor Russ Fochler

The Story of Tarore (Tay-ror-ray) and Her Book - Sometimes we can “take for granted” the wonder and mystery of the Gospel of Jesus. Our Creator delights in using what seems small and insignificant to transform nations. May we have “eyes to see” and hearts to understand what He is doing in our day.

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children.” Isaiah 66:8 (ESV)

Tarore was a young Maori girl living in what is now called New Zealand in 1835. That year the Bible Society published 100 copies of the Gospel of Luke in the Maori language. In 1836, missionaries gave a copy of this book to Tarore (who was around 12 years old), at a mission school near Matamata. Tarore learned to read using this Gospel of Luke. When she was home, Tarore would read this book to her family and tribe - including her father Ngakuku, the Ngati Haua chief. Tarore treasured the Gospel of Luke and kept it in a fabric purse around her neck.

The Maori are the native people of Aotearoa (New Zealand). They are related to other Polynesian groups – including the Hawaiians. They were fierce warriors – even eating their conquered enemies on occasion. Honor is very important in Maori culture. “Utu” is a key Maori concept having to do with reciprocation or “balance”. To retain ”mana” (honor, prestige), both friendly and unfriendly actions require an appropriate response - hence utu covers both the reciprocation of kind deeds, and the seeking of revenge. So, like many other cultures; warfare and revenge were continual – and there was much grief as a result. Does this sound like the code of gangs in our society today?

Under threat of a nearby warring Rotorua tribe, the mission school was in the process of relocating to Tauranga. On October 19, 1836, at the Wairere Falls, a raiding party killed Tarore and took the treasured book from her. Tarore’s father Ngakuku sadly carried her body back to their settlement for burial. At the funeral, Ngakuku addressed his tribe: “There lies my child, she has been murdered as a payment for this war; but do not rise to seek revenge, leave that with God; let this be the ending of the war with Rotorua, now let peace be made. My heart is not dark for Tarore, but for you; you urged teachers (the missionaries) to come to you - they came and you are driving them away.“ This was astounding! Ngakuku chose not to seek revenge because he believed the Good News of Jesus.

And, there was more. The warrior (a Rotorua chief) who killed Tarore and took her book - eventually found a slave boy (Ripahau) who could “make the book speak”. This chief was converted by hearing the Gospel of Luke – and resolved to go to Tarore’s father to ask for forgiveness. One account says that the chief even offered his life to Ngakuku (in the spirit of “utu”), but Ngakuku had already decided to forgive the murder of his daughter. This inaugurated a new peaceful relationship between the two tribes!

And there was even more: Two young chiefs also heard Ripahau “make the book speak” – and were drawn to this new way of life that Jesus lived and taught. They convinced Ripahau to teach them how to read the book (for about six months). Then chief Tamihana Te Rauparaha (son of the leading chief of the area) and his cousin resolved to travel many miles to a mission station to bring back a teacher for their people.

When Henry Williams brought Octavius Hadfield to Waikanae they were welcomed by 1000 Maori and discovered that among them were Christian groups who worshipped using fragments of the Anglican Prayer Book.

Tamihana Te Rauparaha (the young chief) later became a missionary to his father’s enemies in the South Island and converted many to Christianity.

As for Tarore; her story lives. The book “Tarore and Her Book” is being given to the school children of New Zealand. You can watch this video to learn more: HERE

This is one wonderful story of how the God uses the Good News of Jesus to suddenly transform nations and cultures through both small and great people who open their hearts to Him. There were many other heroes in God's transformation of the Maori culture and other cultures. Someday, we'll learn more - perhaps when we're part of the great cloud of witnesses (Heb 12:1). And may you be encouraged to step into the opportunities that God created for you. (Eph 2:10)

The larger history of the Maori and the British is complex – with a series of wars over land issues following The Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. However, the effect of the Gospel of Jesus upon the land and peoples of New Zealand is celebrated to this day.

In awe of the ways of our Savior,
Russ Fochler

Friday, March 23, 2012

Papa's Display of Family by Pastor Karena Lout

"Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us. So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God's holy people. You are members of God's Family. Together, we are His house." Eph. 2:18-20

Todd and I, along with our amazing youth leaders, went away with Wildfire on a cabin trip this past weekend. We had a wonderful time eating together, laughing, playing in the snow, worshiping, praying, painting and did I say... eating?!! As we have been focusing more and more on family at Blazing Fire, I am becoming increasingly aware of the family dynamic that God has been cultivating in our culture at Wildfire. We are definitely still in the process of growing together in this but throughout the weekend, Jesus began to show me a little more what a healthy family looks like in the context of love and honor. Here are just a few aspects of that.

During our cabin trips, we often gather in a circle, taking turns asking one another questions to get to know each other better. One girl shared her dream of opening a beautiful orphanage in India. Everyone rallied around her, cheering her on and making declarations over it. Family celebrates and encourages you to go after your dreams. We've also started a tradition of having a talent show on our last night. We're always so blown away by the amazingly unique gifts God has given our teens. The roaring applause could be heard from Heaven whether someone sang an original song or acted out a funny skit. Out of the hidden shadows of insecurity and shut down, emerge the wells of explosive creativity and confidence.

Over the weekend, there were many deep discussions. Depending on the topic of conversation, there can also be disagreement. During our "Family talks" at Wildfire, we talk extensively about good communication and healthy confrontation so I always love to see how the kids are going to apply it to their lives. It's a beautiful thing when you can see two people disagree on something, yet come away with a deeper love and understanding for the other person. There is no disconnect in the relationship. During our spontaneous drumming in worship, several kids were really honest about some hardships they'd been going through. They were met with heartfelt support, sincerity and comfort. Making your needs known can feel really vulnerable but in a loving family, trust is the foundation. It causes the masks to come off and the REAL you gets to show up.

We have different crews that will do the cooking and clean-up after meals on our trips. Several of our teens actually battle it out to serve when it is not their time. When honor is present, you consider serving to be a privilege and will jump at the opportunity to help. In the Father's family, it's completely natural for everyone to do their part and it is all equally needed and valuable. Here is an excerpt from the book, The Shack. It's a beautiful display of how this is played out in the Godhead. In case you haven't read it yet, Mack is the main character and the Father is represented as a big beautiful woman.

"Suddenly, a terrible crash broke out from the direction of the kitchen. He was shocked at the scene in front of him. It appeared that Jesus had dropped a large bowl of some sort of batter on the floor and it was everywhere. It must have landed close to Papa because the lower portion of her skirt and bare feet were covered in the gooey mess. They were laughing so hard that Mack didn't think they were breathing. Sarayu (Holy Spirit) said something about humans being clumsy and all three started roaring again. Finally, Jesus brushed past Mack and returned a minute later with a large basin of water and towels. Sarayu had already started wiping the goop from the floor and cupboards, but Jesus went straight to Papa and, kneeling at her feet, began to wipe off the front of her clothes. He gently lifted one foot at a time, which he directed into the basin where he cleaned and massaged it. As Mack watched at the doorway, he thought, so this is God in relationship? It was beautiful and so appealing. He knew that it didn't matter whose fault it was. Obviously, what was truly important here was the love they had for one another and the fullness it brought them."

I understand that many people (myself included) didn't have the most healthy family growing up. It can start to tweak you a bit as we discuss embracing family. I want to encourage you to be kind and patient with yourself. Though some may be able to take that huge leap right away, know that baby steps are just as important. We're all learning how to grow in this. So I bless you with courage, hope and grace upon grace as you step out into this journey of welcoming deeper relationships in the body. You can be assured that Heaven's family is one of love, protection, acceptance and belonging. As Pastor Brent has said, "Family is the Father's Dream." I encourage you to ask Papa for yourself what His idea of family looks like. This is your place of belonging. No one is disqualified or dismissed. His family is all inclusive and nothing could ever separate you from this love!

Much Love Always, Karena Lout

Thursday, March 15, 2012

True Belonging by Pastor Susan Fochler

We are in a season at Blazing Fire where we are seeking to discover and embrace what family and belonging means as a church body. This theme implies two dimensions; first, that we belong to God, then, out of that revelation, we can know that we belong to one another. I want to look a little at that first dimension; what it means to belong to God.

We are at home with Him, and He is at home with us, no matter what may be going on with our external circumstances. If we root our identity in anything less than knowing we are sons of the One Most High, we will feel empty and frustrated. No amount of ministry or doing can ever fill the vacuum of our deep-heart need to know-that-we-know, in an irreplaceable and irrevocable way, that we belong.

In looking at this theme, my thoughts turned to Abraham, at the moment when God came and asked him to take his long awaited and beloved son Isaac up Mount Moriah as a sacrifice. Say, what??? Can you imagine; the key to fulfilling every prophetic word over Abraham’s life has finally come - after a wait of many, many, decades. And now God is asking him to lay down the cumulative hope of his life. Of course we know God had another plan, but Abraham did not know that as he headed up the mountain.

What was it that had happened to Abraham between the time he “forced” his destiny to happen through Ishmael, and now, when he so willingly yields in complete trust to God that which was most dear to him? Clearly it was something that so radically transformed his heart that Abraham had come to a place of trusting God more than he trusted his own ability to figure things out. I am wrecked by Abraham's quick surrender. I can’t say I would act that same way in similar circumstances.

Believing the Promise

I believe what happened to change his heart and his very nature was this: covenant. God came to Abraham sometime between Ishmael and Isaac and promised: I will be yours. I will be faithful, I will fulfill My promises, I will take care of you. I care about your future, and I care about you. And Abraham believed Him, to the bottom of his heart. In exchange, God asked Abraham to be circumcised.

Circumcision is a cutting away of the flesh. Under the new covenant it means a softening of our heart, our conscience; a willingness to allow God into the deepest places of our thoughts, desires and yearnings; becoming one flesh with Him as we surrender any walls of independence or self-protection. A positioning where we want to partner with God in all things, and no longer live independently out of our own understanding.

Abraham becomes a son!

Clearly, for Abraham, this covenant/circumcision deal did something radical to his heart. He really, truly got that God was calling him to be a son who belonged to a Father who loved him dearly and tenderly. Abraham came to realize that the emptiness within, that need to be valued and have purpose, would never be satisfied with all the land, finances and possessions in the world; not with multitudes of progeny, giftedness and exploits...his only place of true satisfaction could be found in the fullness of who God is. Our identity is to be rooted in Who we belong to, not what we are doing. The “what” will always leave you empty, dissatisfied, yearning for more. The “Who”, the fullness of God’s goodness and glory; the never ending flow of His unconditional love and acceptance, is the only thing that can fill you to overflowing.

Our only true place of belonging is in Him, and from that place we know that we know that we belong to this body called the Church, Christ’s incarnate body, here on earth. He is our home, and once we get that we won’t be shaken.

So know this: you are your Beloved's, and He is yours!

You are in Him; He is in you. You are His home, He is your home; you’ve made it! You more than qualify; you are the best idea He has ever come up with!

He is pleased to possess you, and pleased to allow you to possess Him!

Your God truly is your exceedingly great reward!

Susan Fochler

Friday, March 9, 2012


Last Saturday night at Blazing Fire I preached a message entitled "I Belong!" explaining that we belong not only to God but also to one another. We watched a very moving video of the song "I Belong" by Kathryn Scott. We actually watched it twice that night--once at the beginning of my message in agreement with the truth that we fully belong to our heavenly Papa and never separated from his love, and once at the end of my message while standing and holding hands across the sanctuary as one big family agreeing with the truth that we belong to each other. There were many moist eyes as we were moved by the spirit of love and acceptance that was thick in the room. Here is that link for you to watch it right now:

A noticeable and powerful shift took place last Saturday night in the Spirit. Without question Papa was very, very pleased with our desire to intentionally pursue his dream for us to experience family together the way He has designed it. If you were not there, I strongly encourage you to listen to the podcast that is already up and running (Thank you, Patrick!) Here is the link:

For over a decade, Blazing Fire has been a place to experience and enjoy God's tangible, loving presence. That will never change! But Father God is inviting us to take that same love and go deep with each other just as Jesus spoke of--with a oneness and love for each other that would cause the world to believe we are truly followers of the Messiah. (see John 13:34-35 & John 17:21-23)

Each of us has a deep need within to belong and to be part of a meaningful family. Many people did not experience what God had intended for family when they were kids growing up. But God's intent for us to be part of a genuine family remains--one with love, fun and encouragement, but also one with conflict resolution and believing the best about each other when offence tries to rear it's ugly head. There have been some good aspects of family already in Blazing Fire, but what we have been doing intuitively, we are now on a course to do intentionally!

Exciting and even a little scarey, perhaps, but it's time to grow up together in love! It's going to be a process, so choose to hang in there as part of the family. The payoff of truly belonging will be well worth it!

Speaking of Family, this Saturday night, my spiritual Papa, Kris Vallotton will be speaking! He has played a huge role in my spiritual journey of wholeness over the past 12 years. Because Kris needs to leave Blazing Fire early to go to another speaking destination, he will be speaking BEFORE the worship time and not afterwards, so be on time, or better yet, early! We will enjoy our worship time after Kris leaves.

We will also be ordaining Angela Ellis as a pastor and elder of Blazing Fire Church! That will happen right at 6:00 pm with Kris preaching immediately after.

Angela and Lonnie Ellis

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Upgrades are being released... by Pastor Lonnie Ellis

Blazing Fire Church had the pleasure of hosting Leif Hetland ( a couple of weeks ago. Papa used him to impact the lives of the KTSSM students and staff and the Blazing Fire family. He deposited so many nuggets from heaven that there are too many to list in this email.

One of those nuggets he released was: The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus comes to give life, life more abundantly - John 10:10. The point is if you are or have gone through something tough you are ready for an upgrade! An upgrade from Papa that brings life more abundantly. This is our promise. This is good news for us all!

Even now Papa is releasing upgrades as you read this short message. Expect to receive upgrades in the natural realm simply because He loves you and because He is for you.

My wife Angela and I, along with many others are already receiving Papa's upgrades in the natural.

Just agree to receive His goodness and upgrades for your life!

Are you expecting GREAT THINGS from God in 2012...

I personally shared on this topic at Blazing Fire on Feb 4, 2012. I am still feeling Papa's heart for His sons & daughters to step into and receive His revelation for their lives on this word.

With so many negatives events being portrayed in the world I feel Papa is saying "will you focus on my goodness and love for you? Will you position your self to receive great things no matter what things look like in the natural realm? Will you trust me and not what you see?"

For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts - Isaiah 55:9

It's time we shift our perspective to see how heaven see's!

Do you value you...

You are Papa's greatest joy. You are His favorite son and daughter. You were created in His image. With this truth, do you value you as He values you? It's natural to see our selves from our natural perspective, but we are called to be supernatural. To see as He see's. To value Him in us. Since we have been made one with him, how can we not value ourselves as Daddy values Him in us. We are a perfect reflection of Him.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

He values you so much that He placed His spirit right inside of you so He could be with you always in all events.

He could not stand being separated from you one day longer. So He sent His son Jesus to pay the great price so you could be one with Him again. He values you that much.That is an extravagant love!

He loves and values you more than you may ever be able to comprehend.

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:26

Papa teach us to value ourselves and each other the way You value us.Saturate us in your love that renews and transforms our hearts and minds. Give us the gift of faith the helps us to believe!

Be Blessed and Be A Blessing - Lonnie Ellis