Friday, November 11, 2011

Hurray for God!

One of my very favorite passages in Scripture is Ephesians 1:3-6 because it so wonderfully portrays the huge heart of our Father towards us, His beloved children. Each year, I have our Kingdom Training School of Supernatural Ministry students write their own fun and creative paraphrase of that passage and here are two of them to encourage you today.

"Hurray! Shout praise to your Daddy because He unloaded a dump truck full of goodies right into your lap! You were hand picked to be on His championship team before you even knew there was a game to be played. And His team always has an undefeated season, making you a champion over and over! It was His love for you that got you picked--His lavish, gigantic love that you did nothing to earn. And now it's just victory after victory, glory after glory!" (Derek Mitchell, 2nd year KTSSM student)

"Papa Bear is so soft and cuddly. He always has the biggest hugs for each of us every time...all the time...and He thought of me first. Did you know He thought of you first too? Even though we all look different, He sees us wholey and completely as His own and He loves that we love HIs family and are best friends with His Son! Super, big cuddly soft hugs for infinity and beyond!" (Erin Johnson, 1st year KTSSM student)

Blazing Fire Prayer Ministry Team

Calling folks of prayer & compassion! We're forming a Prayer Ministry Team that can help pray blessings & healing after our services. We also hope to meet periodically to grow together. If you're interested in serving or would like to find out more information, we're having a pre-service meeting on Saturday, Nov 19th at 4 - 5:00 pm in one of the downstairs rooms at Sunset Community Church. We hope to see you there!

(If you have questions, you can contact Clayton Jung at or
Lai-Kit Chan at

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