What if we saw Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith - as an artist as well as our savior? How would we view our journey through life? How would that change how we relate with Him? How would we view time and timing? I'm looking forward to exploring this with many of you in this Saturday's message.
Changing the Culture:
As sons and daughters of the King of Kings, we have the joy and mission to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to cultures and people. One way we can be "salt and light" is to study the issues and candidates with the counsel of the Holy Spirit. And then cast our vote. And then continue to pray for grace, wisdom, justice, and life-giving values for our governmental leaders; no matter who is elected.
Redeeming the Time - October 31st
God created each day of the year - including October 31st when many in our country celebrate Halloween. I encourage you to celebrate and worship Jesus on this day. And shine His light in your neighborhood.
Another opportunity to redeem this time is offered by Gina Prince:
"Holy Ghost Story Night" at Rick & Gina's home at 220 Love Ln, Danville, CA at 5:30 PM. Please bring an appetizer, salad or dessert to share (and a candle if you'd like). Contact: 925-580-8758 An offering will be given for special guest Recie Saunders. Come to share your "God stories" and to celebrate the "God stories" of others....
Russ Fochler