Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lenses of Love - June 5, 2009

Hello Family & Friends of Blazing Fire!

I wanted to inform you that I will not be preaching over the next month so that I can focus more on a book that I have been writing about the extreme passion of the Father's love for his kids! Here is a portion of what I have been writing. Enjoy and be massively encouraged!

We each have a certain way of looking at life depending upon the lenses through which we view it. What determines our lenses is the experiences we have in life that shape our perceptions. You have read numerous truths in this book about the love that your Father in heaven has for you, but how readily you believe those truths has everything to do with the lenses through which you are looking. If you had parents or significant people in your life who abused their power and used it to hurt you, then it will be much more difficult for you to embrace the truth that God uses his unlimited power for your absolute best, working on your behalf all of the time. If you were told growing up that you were 'no good' or 'less than' and if whatever you did was never enough, then there will be more of a disconnect when you hear God’s comforting words that he totally accepts you and that he has made you exactly the way he wanted—and that he LIKES you!

The list of lies that some of you have been told or the abuses that some of you have endured would be too long to write about here, but can I tell you something you must hear? Every time a lie was spoken that tarnished your beautiful image and every time your innocence was robbed because of an abuse of power, your Daddy in heaven wept. It was never ever his intent for the precious ones he loves to be damaged and taken advantage of. We do have an enemy—the devil and his army of darkness who seeks to destroy. When we attribute everything that happens to God, we fall prey to the enemy’s plan to steal from us the intimacy with God that we were made to enjoy. God is good and the devil is bad. It’s really important that we don’t mix the two up. God gives free will to his children which is sometimes misused, but He also has a way of miraculously turning everything to our good (Romans 8:28).

Your Father knows every single thing that has happened to you in your life and he is more than able to prove to you his love and compassion. He says to you, “I’m going to love you the way you deserve to be loved! I will treat you as the prince/princess that you are until you believe it and you hold your head up high as my priceless treasure!"

God is in a process with you of erasing the hard drive of past deceptions and filling you with affirming words until your lenses are completely cleaned and you see clearly the love of a Father who has always adored you and who has nothing but good in store for you. And the more you believe His goodness, the more you experience it!

And you will experience the goodness of your Father because he is giving you his lenses of love to look through!

Pastor Brent Lokker

Blazing Fire Church

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