Faith is a lens that changes everything! I liken it to my recent cataract surgery, where image and color were reborn through the new lenses. “I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone” is my latest song! The decisions we make daily aren’t isolated choices. They carry the potential to point us in the direction we are divinely set up to go or get us off track. Unfortunately, too many dreams, well-intended plans, and callings from God get buried with people who “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve,” but never did!
These people never found their courageous “Yes, I’m ‘gonna’ do this,” and gave up the fight for their confidence to say, “No, I will not walk away or accept defeat!” However, they may agree now that delayed obedience to God’s voice can be disobedience with a price attached.
As I sat on the restaurant patio looking at my friends, the Lokkers, an “Open for Business During Construction” sign was in their background above a huge deep hole in the ground. I heard in my spirit, “The deeper the hole, the greater the building.”
Doing our Father’s Kingdom business can be a long and arduous process, and the digging can be painful, but if it were easy, everyone would do it, and there would be a crowd at the top of our mountain!
This month thirty-six pararescuemen graduated with my son, James, after conquering the rigorous “pipeline” training with an 80 to 100 percent attrition rate! “PJs” must endure the pressure of these cuts for two years while they complete each training segment of selection, combat dive school, airborne, free fall, survival training, paramedic school, tactics, and mastering the helicopter’s air operations. They are the elite Special forces who globally rescue military and civilians and work with NASA. Their mascot is the guardian angel, and their motto is “We do these things that others may live.” The correlation is prominent among believers who are trained as disciples of Jesus to fulfill the great commission; to go into all of the world, baptize all in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teach them to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons,
Are you willing and positioned to be trained, sharpened, and honed with creative skills to set the prisoners free, bring healing to the wounded, and dedicate your time, energy, and life to aiding others?
The great stag in the forest wins by the strength of his antlers. Where he fed the season before will determine his defeat or victory!
When we offer God our willingness, He empowers us to take what He has given us and multiply that blessing to others. The process begins with OUR FAITH IN HIM to take the first few steps, and then the adventure begins as we awaken to the Divine Set-Ups He brings to our attention to demonstrate HIS FAITH IN US! Then there is character building, attitude shaping, and soul defining, all of which must take place for us to become what God intends. The step-by-step accomplishments are more than tasks. We are building a legacy ~ we are shaping God’s Kingdom and discovering the calling for our family and us.
Kathleen O’Donnell Dew is the Author of Divine Set-Ups, Coincidence or Destiny?
She and Bill Dew ministered at Blazing Fire last Saturday where dozens
experienced the healing power of God.