Making disciples in nations and making disciples of nations are both vital directives given by Jesus. However, both are distinct commands. It is important that we never lose sight of the”one.” At the same time it is important to realize that He said,”Ask, and I will give you the Nations as an inheritance.” Going after the “one” is key because it carries the very seed for the transformation of Nations.
Living in Cambodia, my desire is to reach individuals and represent the King and His Kingdom. At the same time, my mandate is to see a nation transformed and see the Kingdom of Heaven manifested in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
As we look at our assignment in life, most of us look through the lens of our gifting. We tend to limit our personal commission to areas that we’re good at. It is important that we look at our assignment based on our calling not merely our gifting. Calling goes far beyond our gifts and passion. It actually goes into risky territory...our weakness. You see, when we move in our giftings, we receive the glory, but when we move in our weakness, He gets the glory!
As a missionary, rescuing children from trafficking, people say to me that I have such a gift for what I do. I can assure you it’s no gift, it’s a calling. Most of what I do I’m not gifted in. I just know without a shadow of doubt that I’m walking in my calling. Because of this, when times are tough and I face enormous obstacles, the word “quit” never enters my thought process.
When we move in our gifting and things get tough, many times we begin to look for a new season or new area of influence where our giftings can shine and we can feel valued and useful again. The Father wants us to function in our weakness, because that is when He can show Himself strong. When we accomplish things with Him that we couldn't do on our own, He is glorified.
Look at the Apostle Paul. He was educated in the Jewish Law. He was a pharisee of pharisees. He understood and functioned in the Jewish culture better than most. If God were to commission anyone to the Jews, you’d think it would be Paul. After all, he was the most gifted to do so. But, that’s not what Father did. He sent him to the gentile.
The point is this, we each have an enormous assignment. To limit our calling to just areas of gifting we greatly reduce the adventure that has been set before us. He pours out His spirit without measure and He gives us all authority. These enable us to go places and accomplish things that go far beyond our ability. As we walk in weakness we will go places beyond our dreams and have the privilege to see His Kingdom come on Earth as in Heaven!
Much Grace, Mark Neitz - Why Not Now Ministries Inc