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If you have received Jesus you can be a rocket scientist or anyone at any age who can have the ability to prophesy. This is because it does not depend on you, but on the Holy Spirit to flow through you. You have guaranteed access to this ability because it is your right and your inheritance.
"In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance..." Eph 1:13-14 Anything belonging to the Holy Spirit is now accessible by you as the King's kid and He wants you to grow into all that He has for you. He will give to you a measure of grace to operate in some or all of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit spoken of in I Corinthians 12. We need to be proactive and desire earnestly the gifts as we are commanded to in I Corinthians 14:1 and especially to prophesy. I don't think there will be any holding back if there is such eagerness from heaven on our behalf. As a matter of fact the many people I train and encourage are launching into prophesying quickly and accurately because I train with faith knowing that the Father is giving a big push to activate us. He's happy to see us take baby steps into all that belongs to us. The whole process is so very simple. The first step after accepting Jesus is all spelled out in I Co 13, the chapter on love. Grace for others is so very important. Walk in that grace for others to be a carrier of the graces of the Holy Spirit, one of which is prophesying. Grace and compassion oils the flow of revelation. That revelation is God's heart of encouragement to His people. The second step is understanding what your motive should be or what your job description is as a prophesyer. In I Cor 14:1-3 the duties of prophesying that are entrusted to us is to Edify, Exhort and Console - to build up, to call near, to cheer up. We are to look for treasures and look for all the good things in a person's heart and call those things out and they become a great encouragement. Pretty much prophesying is helping people to see awesome things about themselves that God sees. We are not called to call out any bad stuff or dig around for pains and sorrows. We are called to bless and always leave that person blessed. If you see something heavy in a person's life ask the Lord what the solution is and give that to the person. If you see discouragement He might have you say that God is on his side and things are looking up. Love and encouragement is easy, so prophesying is easy then. If you don't have something good to say, then you are done. Don't say anymore. If you can't think of anything else to say, you're done. Here is an easy exercise to accessing your new prophetic abilities: Practice on your friends. Start with a few simple words of encouragement and work your way up as you practice over time. First ask the Lord to use you. Wait for a bit to connect your heart to His. Speak to your friend, "When I look at you I see or I sense...." Voila! You have just prophesied. The feedback will most likely be positive or even astonishment the first time at the accuracy. Keep practicing and then try it on someone you don't know. Keep on practicing and develop your confidence. Building confidence will help you get over feelings of awkwardness and when all those feelings get out the way more and more you will hear more from the Lord. You will be a great encourager of the church and those around you, at home and the market place. Please feel free to join me and Joel Pollard at Blazing Fire School of Prophets training which is free to everyone. Our next training is Oct 1 - 2:30-4:00. Visit blazingfire.org for more info. Blessings - Bill Hernandez Prophetic Overseer |
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The God Who created the vast expanse, and Who's love is ten gazillion times larger than even that (to start with), has always had a very intimate family. Namely, it was "Me, Myself and I" in the Godhead. What more could He need or want? Perfect love. Perfect perfection. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Yet, He sent Himself (Jesus) to be our advocate and redeemed us for all eternity. AND THEN, upon going to prepare something for us, He wanted us to continue our training to ultimately live in perfection with Him by leaving us Holy Spirit. in John 14:26 He tells us that Holy spirit will be here to teach us ALL things and constantly remind us about what Jesus said and did, intentionally keeping us in the loop. He invited us into His own intimate circle of family. Wow!
On this planet, in this modern century, we have so much to grab hold of our attention that we often forget this whole thing; Holy Spirit is here, right now, to teach us and instill in us the ways of Heaven. We desperately need continual and intentional fellowship with Holy Spirit. In fact, it would be a hundred light years away from brilliance if we didn't take advantage of this. Think about it; we often tend to have feelings of despair over many things, like perceiving ourselves as inadequate to accomplish a thing, experiencing loneliness or disappointment over other people (abandonment, their shortcomings, their perception of our shortcomings, ill words spoken against us). Sometimes we feel ignorant or less spiritual than others who use more highlighter in their Bibles than we do. So many mosquitoes (metaphorically) just sucking the life right out of us and all along we have access to perfect love, perfect knowledge, perfect peace, perfect joy and so so much more. Remember, "He will teach you all things." With Holy Spirit the possibilities are literally endless. His existence in our lives is like a red carpet, rolled out in front of us, that leads to resource unending. We just need to step on and keep walking. Paul encouraged us all with this, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship with the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen." 2 Corinthians 13:14. That "amen" is telling us, "let it be true in your lives!" (Also Philippians 2:1) 1 Thessalonians 5 tells us to pray nonstop, constantly foster thankfulness and not to suppress Holy Spirit. Right there we get a nice clue of how to fellowship with Holy Spirit. Truly, when we are intentional with this, it's' not, at all, a laborious task. This becomes our normal. I would say it this way; WE CAN HAVE A LIFE OF HANGING OUT WITH THE ONE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING AND WANTS TO TELL IT TO US....AND CRADLE US IN LOVE, ALL THE WHILE. A great benefit to all this is that we will have rivers of living water flowing out from our innermost being, John 7:38, and that water will become a fountain of everlasting life, springing up from inside of us. John 4:14 Dang! That's not only great for us, but we get to splash that on everyone around us and on our situations! Oh, and we get to be totally transformed cause this fellowship will renew our entire thinking process! Romans 12:2 Holy Spirit owns all the freedoms that the human heart desires. The more we fellowship with Holy Spirit, the more these freedoms replace bondages. Galations 5:16 From today on, as we decide to be more intentional in our Holy Spirit fellowship, we can go ahead establish trust. I mean drive it into the soil of your everyday life like a solid tent peg. He loves us to trust Him, you know. Hebrews 11:6 Here's a little acronym to help: T - THANK YOU Thank Him for His presence, His love, His guidance R - RELEASE REVELATION Ephesians 1:17 Exodus 33:18 U - USE ME 1 Corinthians 12:31 14:1 Acts 2:17-21 S - STRENGTHEN ME Ephesians 3:16 Galatians 5:22-23 T - TEACH ME John 14:26 Love, Todd :) |