by Pastor Susan Fochler
We did church a little differently last week. We opened up space to encounter God experientially all over the sanctuary. From divinely inspired art, to soaking and communion, hand washing and intimate prophetic encounter; to joyous laughter and fresh infilling. The atmosphere was charged with His presence; I could feel His joy at how His kids were ministering to one another, giving, receiving, and flowing in His river of life.
Giving Space for Daily Encounters
I was reminded of how much God is willing to encounter me daily, just like what happened last Saturday night. However, the tyranny of “busyness” can dull my awareness of where God might be in a situation, a conversation. In our oh-so-busy world it can be hard to remember to stop and just be for a while. Yet when I dial down and allow my true heart to surface, I am reinvigorated, joy returns and I am refreshed with the awareness that He is always right here. His “still small voice” somehow becomes louder as distractions fade away.
Gods Presence Heals Our Perspective
Nothing compares with being in God’s presence. We start thinking more clearly, anxieties dissolve and little annoyances diminish. The Psalmist describes his struggle with the many injustices he experiences in his world, and felt overwhelmed and confused. He couldn’t sort it all out, until he came into God’s presence. “...It was too puzzling...too much of a riddle to me. But then, one day I was brought into the sanctuaries of God, and in the light of glory, my distorted perspective vanished.” Ps. 73:16, 17 The Passion
He will Satisfy your Hungry Soul!
Let's agree with the revelation King David had about what is available to us when we come to our God hungry and thirsty for the One Thing: “O God how extravagant is your cherishing love! All mankind can find a hiding place, under the shadow of Your wings. All may drink of the anointing from the abundance of Your house! All may drink their fill from the delightful springs of Eden. To know You is to experience a Flowing Fountain, Drinking in Your life springing up to satisfy. In the light of Your holiness we receive Your revelation.” Ps. 36:7-9 The Passion
Oh, yes, Jesus! Give us an encounter with You as a Flowing Fountain, a Source of life that never runs dry. You are the One, the only One who meets us and satisfies us as none other. And launch us, I pray into a new reality of the Kingdom of God that is not about what we eat or drink or do, but Life overflowing in Your Righteousness, Peace and Joy, Unending!