Friday, November 22, 2013

Leif Hetland Proclaims God's Glory Over Typhoon-Ravaged Philippines

Leif Hetland, a true father in the Spirit, deposited rich treasures into Blazing Fire Church when he was with us almost two years ago that are still yielding the fruit genuine family we are experiencing more deeply. He will be back again Dec. 13th & 14th, but he is currently in the Philippines where he is in the midst of the devastation of the typhoon that ravaged that country. He was there during the whole ordeal and he is sending out a cry for help. Please do what you can and join us to fill your heart to the brim with love as Leif comes to Blazing Fire Dec. 13th & 14th.

Following by Leif Hetland
I wish you could feel the emotion in the air. The fear is tangible. The despair is palpable. The estimated death toll of 10,000 could jump—sharply. At least 660,000 people have been displaced. Many have no access to food, water or medicine. Wind gusts of up to 235 mph have completely destroyed the landscape. Rescuers have yet to reach remote parts of the coast. Among these is the town of Guiuan, with a population of 40,000 that was largely destroyed.

I am constantly getting updates of this tragedy. I constantly weep as I read reports and see images of corpses hanging from tree branches and scattered along sidewalks. Looters are raiding grocery stores and gas stations searching for food.

But love will win the day.

At a time like this, I look to the Father heart of God. I am losing sleep on this very intense trip, grieved over the destruction. At the same time, His love for this nation is overwhelming me. All I can think about is how I can make a difference and bring restoration to this beautiful people.

We are a family. This is a personal issue. When the enemy attacks one of us, he attacks all of us. We are near Manila, and this typhoon was coming for us. The team and I could have been hit. We are well, and we will not be silent. We will not cower in fear.

What matters now is answering a simple question: “What does love look like?”

The Philippines needs to see love in action—right now. This nation needs to see Jesus is alive and moving through His people. The government is shaken. The economy is shaken. But the people of God will not be shaken, and we will rise up in love to serve others, love well and be the solution.

Friend, this is an opportunity is for the international community to join hands. It’s time to start a goodness revolution. Let’s put aside our differences, manifest the unity that Jesus prayed for, and come together to pray and sacrificially give.

Would you participate? Can you take action with us?

We are on the ground right now. One hundred percent of the resources will go to the right people. My spiritual son, pastor Paul Yadao, is in relationship with key government leaders here. The Lord has strategically placed him and Destiny Ministries to directly contribute to this nation’s restoration.

God is going to transform the darkness into something that is good for the whole nation. I am 100 percent convinced that when all of this is said and done, these places will look more beautiful than they did before. That’s always how God operates. There is going to be an upgrade for the precious Filipinos. God will fulfill what He has promised for this nation.

We are all weeping and praying and loving. We are locking arms with one another. And all of us want to bring glory to a King and be able to represent heaven on earth. Please pray with us. Please pray for us. Please pray against further destruction. Please pray that the news reports would change from despair and destruction to testimonies of love and the miraculous.

A nation is hanging in the balance. Help us tip the scales.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

7 Keys to Successful Living by Pastor Brent Lokker

My spiritual papa, Kris Vallotton, recently wrote these 7 keys to successful living that I thought were phenominal.  Ask the Holy Spirit to take a look at these with you and to to help you walk them out.

1-Put God 1st in your life and have no 2nd, so that your entire life is walked out in a way that honors the King.

2- Keep a list of the works of God in your life and meditate on what He has done...not what He has yet to do.

3- Don't take yourself too seriously. When you do something stupid laugh at yourself and tell others so they can laugh human. If you sin, repent honestly and quickly than forgive yourself! Get over it!!! Don't live in sucks and it's an insult to the Cross.

4- Remember that there is always enough time in the day to do everything Jesus has called you to do. So remind yourself that you are not the Savior of the world. Living to meet the expectations of people instead of God will kill you. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please EVERYONE!

5- Keep short accounts with people...forgive them quickly. Unforgiveness invites every kind of evil into your life. People will fail you at times. Give up punishing them. It's not worth the grief!

6- Live with a servants heart and a kings/queens mind. Be humble...there is no job beneath you. Yet carry yourself as royalty...manage your inner world nobility. You are a son/daughter of the King! Think like it!!!

7- Be ridiculously always comes back to you. Your lineage gives you unlimited resources.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

No "Future-Tripping" Allowed! by Pastor Brent Lokker

Last Saturday Wm Paul Young, author of the Shack and Crossroads, was with us at Blazing Fire Church.

Some people come and bring a great message.  Some are the message. Paul definitely falls into this latter category.

Words I would use to describe Paul include genuine, authentic, vulnerable, and loving to the core.  Qualities we’ve been asking the Lord to grow us in, particularly over the past year or two. Paul shared how God has so mercifully burned away the shame from his heart so that he is now 100% comfortable in his own skin.  As he came out the other side of this process of transformation by exposing his heart to Jesus, he realized that joy was a constant companion for the first time in his life.  As he took a closer look, he realized that something had shifted in his life.  No longer was he “future-tripping,” the phrase he used for wasting the grace that was given to him for today worrying about things in the future that hadn’t even happened yet!  Instead, he approaches each day as a little child, allowing Papa to surprise him with the gifts of His goodness and grace day by day.  Paul is able to continuously live in the “now.”  Anyone else want to sign up for that kind of life?

Please take the time to soak in the depth of revelation that Paul Young poured out last week. It's available right now for you to listen to free on our podcast:

After experiencing such pure love through Paul, I began thinking about another who lives in this pure love who had been at Blazing Fire Church 1 ½ years ago: Leif Hetland.  I thought, I would love to have Leif come again, but he travels around the world and when would he really be able to fit us in?  The very next day, I received a text from Leif saying, “I have a free weekend in December if you want me to come.”


I assure you this a major God set-up and I urge you to be at Blazing Fire when Leif comes NEXT month!  He told me to call it a Supernatural Love Weekend!  It will be Friday night, December 13th (7 pm) and Saturday, December 14th (times during the day to be announced, 6pm evening worship service), all at our new location, Centerpointe Presbyterian Church in Pleasanton.

Did I just say a new location?  Yes I did! 

On Saturday, December 7th, Blazing Fire will be moving to a new location: 3410 Cornerstone Court, Pleasanton, CA.  While this is still not our own place, it is an answer to prayer because we are moving back to Pleasanton where we've wanted to return to.

Winds of Change!

We’ve caught a fresh sense of God’s passion and urgency to have our hearts ready for the huge harvest of Papa’s sons and daughters who will soon be coming into His house. He is inviting us as a family to walk in the fullness of His Spirit in a more dynamic and real way than we’ve ever experienced before.

It’s time for the body of Christ to rise up and be the full expression of Jesus together!

Winds of Change will be a jet stream used by God to usher us into:

  * Experiencing revival that will restore hope and life, ultimately bringing restoration to our cities.

  * Inviting Heart transformation that impacts our homes and communities

  * Living more wholeheartedly in real relationships with one another

  * Representing Christ with increasing accuracy as His ambassadors of love and reconciliation

We envision this happening primarily through these 3 expressions:

1.  We will be utilizing some of the courses we captured from last year’s Kingdom Training School of Supernatural by having people view specific teachings at home in preparation for times of experiencing God together.

2.  We will be encountering God together in a revival-type evening worship setting learning to be lead by the Holy Spirit together, to hear the voice of Jesus with greater clarity, and to experience the transforming presence of our living God.

3.  We will “do family” in regional home groups (groups that will meet in various locations around the Bay Area), learning to have life-giving relationships the way God intended.  In these small family groups, we will grow in love and choose to know others and be known by them.

God is taking us on a significant journey together and we're inviting  ALL of you to come along as a family!

Winds of Change will begin on Wednesday nights (alternating between the large gatherings and the regional home groups) starting January 8th at Parkway Fellowship, 7485 Village Parkway, Dublin, CA.

Lots more info coming your way soon, including a list of the various locations of the Winds of Change regional home groups.
