I want to share with you an encouraging message from Blazing Fire sister, Tammy Von Horn, who is one of the founders of Pockets of Dreams
(www.pocketsofdreams.com), an amazing company that makes girls clothing with the proceeds directly helping mothers in developing countries to expand their own sewing businesses to support their children. Tammy also hosts "Amazing Women Parties" once a month, so if you are a woman needing massive encouragement and want to be invited, write to Tammy at: tammy@pocketsofdreams.com.
Enjoy Tammy's encouragement:
Happy February! As much as I am thrilled to start a new month, can you believe that January 2011 is already history?
For those of you who vowed changes in this year, how are your resolutions coming? Mine? Well, I've yet to loose or gain the things on my list but, OH WELL!!
Oh well? You say? No guilt or regret Tammy? My answer, no, not so much. Sure, I wish I could brag of a smaller waist, fatter wallet or an emptier calendar, but from my view point, I am blessing with "New Beginnings" all the time.
Consider the following:
- 1 time every 365 days, I get a brand new year. But if I need a new 'new year' I can decide to celebrate. . .
- Chinese New Year in February (Gong Xi Fa Cai!) or
- Rosh Hoshanah, Jewish New Year, in September
- 4 times each year, I get a new season. . . winter, spring, summer and fall
- 12 times each year, I get a brand new month. . . Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec
- Every 24 hours, I get a brand new day and if I want to start that day in prayer, I can:
- Pray in the morning hours, the traditional start of the day in the Western world or (and this is good news for us non-morning people)
- Pray in the evening, since the new day starts at sundown according to Jewish tradition
New Beginnings are an absolute constant in life. God promised that His mercies were renewed every day - literally guaranteeing that every morning we start with a fresh start, a clean slate, and a renewed opportunity to live. Because of His goodness, we are invited to leave behind yesterday and boldly step into today.
If this year seems to be moving too fast or if you just want a new start, just wait, your new day is just hours away. :)
Constantly Renewed,
P.S. The best part of all of these new beginnings is that you don't get to just start-over with the leftovers from yesterday but instead He makes all things new!