Earlier this summer I bought some gorgeous deep-purple petunias and planted them in our front yard. As I took care to water them daily, each of the plants had numerous colorful blooms that were continually replaced by new flowers. But somewhere in the middle of the heart of the summer, I neglected to water them daily and although the plants still lived, the purple pedals were soon no longer present. Just watering them "whenever I got around to it" wasn't bringing the flowers back. So, I determined once again to water them daily. After day one of watering, no flowers emerged. After day two and three of watering, there were still no flowers. But some time in the middle of that week, a few glimpses of violet were making their way back, and it was then that the sweet voice of the Lord began speaking to me...
"My intent is for you to reflect and display My glory all of the time. But to do that, you must immerse yourself in My love and saturate yourself in My grace and commune with me every single day. If you have been dry for a while by living your life apart from enjoying Me, you will still live, because I am in you, but your life will not fully reflect the color of My Presence to the world around you. As you seek Me and spend time with Me in the cool of the garden, My life will begin to breath freshness into your spirit. Don't get discouraged if you meet with Me and don't see an immediate change. As you come and interact with Me day after day after day, the fullness of my brightness will shine brilliantly forth from you! It is inevitable! You will feel the assurance of My love and My pleasure for you and those around you will see the obvious evidence that you have been with Me. If you feel dry, come back to Me with all your heart! If you feel lifeless and colorless, remember that your First Love has never left you and that I am still waiting to pick up right where we left off. I AM your life! I AM the Living Water that refreshes and restores your soul! I AM your color! I AM the absolute only One who will satisfy the deepest longings of your heart!"
"Let's enjoy each other RIGHT NOW!! I can hardly wait!!!"
"How beautiful you are, my love, and how you delight me! Come then, my beloved, my lovely one, come!" (Song of Songs, 1:16; 2:10)